
[Hong Kong] 貝澳,明天的錦田? Will Pui O become Kam Tin?

It seems there has been no action and no improvement for one year.
Post by PemE

Hi everyone, several areas of the marsh in Pui O are being landfilled.  Several of you have visited this site in the last week and I am sure that you will agree it is quite a special habitat, this is especially true when everything is wet.   The landfill below is where Little ringed Plovers bred 2 years ago.  No chance of them breeding this year.  I have complained to the government on, but they are pretty constant in their reply

'Investigation conducted by this office revealed that the land filling activities are within private land.  As land filling does not constitute a breach of the conditions in the relevant leases of the private land, this office cannot take enforcement action.  This office will continue to monitor the situation and take appropriate action if necessary.'

I would appreciate any help with this
Kind regards Paul

[hr]Eling 的翻譯

你們好. 最近發現貝澳附近之濕地被非法傾倒癈物. 相信你們都會同意.貝澳這個地方是一個頗特別的棲息地. 尤以夏季水源充足時. 你們看到照片上的地方. 早兩年便有金眶(行鳥)在此繁殖. 相信今年它們便無法在同一地方繁殖了. 雖然我已多次向政府 ( 作出投訴. 可是每次的答覆都是千篇一律. “經過我們的調查. 發現傾倒癈物之行為在私人地方進行. 我們並沒有權力作出任何行動. 因為傾倒癈物的行為並沒有違反政府地契的條款. 雖然如此. 我們仍會繼續觀察事態的發展及會在適當的時間採取行動”

希望網友們盡力幫忙去信政府. 謝謝.


