
Yellow-streaked Warbler at Ping Che

I saw many Yellow-streaked Warblers in Burma last week. I've seen them there and in HK before, but perhaps spent a bit longer looking at them this time, as it was a non-birding trip really, and they were one of the most easily seen birds in hotel grounds at Bagan.

They are in jizz terms to me more Dusky-like (though there's actually overlap with Radde's at the top end of the bill-base depth range, I believe). Anyway to get to the main point, I thought the first one was a Dusky, though it did look an odd tone, but then I noticed it had a well-defined tapering super behind the eye (wrong for Dusky), while in front of the eye the super was basically quite well-defined too, so wrong for Radde's.

I did have the latest edition of Robson with me, and it actually confirmed this feature - maybe just me but I can't remember having this quite simply observed distinction pointed out before and have tended to think the super in front of the eye was rather indistinct like Radde's.

Have not checked photos since I returned, but this seems to me a good distinction.

And they do give a bunting-like 'tzik'.

Mike Turnbull

[ Last edited by tmichael at 11/04/2012 22:08 ]

