
The Big Bunting 數數鵐

The Big Bunting 數數鵐

鵐科雀鳥的秋季過境遷徙即將開始,在鳥季開始前,一齊來猜猜今年會有多少隻黃胸鵐 (禾花雀) 和多少種鵐到訪塱原!

"The Big Bunting" has come!
Migration of bunting starts soon. Let's guess the number of Yellow-breasted Bunting and number of bunting species visiting Long Valley this year!
Number of Yellow-breasted Bunting will refer to the highest count recorded in regular bird survey, while the number of bunting species will refer to both regular survey and HKBWS forum with photo support.

結果將於12月初公佈. Result will be announced in early Dec.


近日各個觀鳥點都記錄到很好的鳥種, 鼓勵大家多到塱原觀鳥, 踴躍地「數數鵐」!
Good lists of birds were recorded in different birding spots. We encourage birders and photographers to go Long Valley more often and have a big count on buntings.



“The Big Bunting” is finished by the end of November. This year, we have recorded 34 Yellow-breasted Bunting on 19 Nov which is also the highest count since the management agreement project began in 2005. We have also recorded 8 bunting species, including Black-faced, Black-headed, Chestnut-eared, Little, Pallas’s Reed, Rustic, Yellow-breasted and Yellow-browed Bunting.


Thanks Brendan and David! Then the species number should be revised to 9 species then! Thank you!!

