
Rufous-bellied Niltava (correction Vivid Niltava)

Rufous-bellied Niltava (correction Vivid Niltava)

24 November 2012 - Po Toi

I think this bird is a Rufous-bellied Niltava because

1) Undertail coverts are orange (some other people have better photos of this)
2) Noticeable bright blue patch at the bend in the wing not shown by Fujian Niltava I believe

Not sure whether the blue crown is extensive enough though for Rufous-bellied Niltava.

Thanks, everyone for informing me about this bird today!

[ Last edited by brendank at 24/11/2012 19:30 ]


After researching more, I now think this is most likely a Vivid Niltava. This is due to the orange wedge on the throat which is characteristic of that species.

[ Last edited by brendank at 24/11/2012 19:32 ]


Yes, you can see the orange wedge on the throat clearly.

