
2012 香港鳥類報告 HK Bird Report 2012

I felt the same way as GeoffC above until I visited the office today to collect my copies and saw the mountain of books to be packed and delivered - over 1000 books with a total weight of 600kg!

As John says, it is not primarily a question of money but time and resources. The staff need to assemble a volunteer force of ten individuals to come over a weekend and help pack and label over 1000 books and carry the 600kg to the local Post Office. Due to uncertainty in the date of delivery from the printers, they are only now able to start that process. This is why a four-week collection period has been declared, although the Office have agreed that this may be reduced in future years, or this year if possible.

In the meantime, anyone who collects their own (and others) copies from the office will help reduce the task considerably - I understand that up to 100 books are usually collected by individuals. I'm sure the need to provide membership cards will be waived for well-known individuals, or some other form of ID accepted.

[ Last edited by wgeoff at 15/05/2014 17:33 ]


There is an option to take an CDROM but as a reference book many people prefer hard copy.

