
南面浮屋大型整修 Southern Hide Major Revamp (9/6 - 30/9 2015)

南面浮屋大型整修 Southern Hide Major Revamp (9/6 - 30/9 2015)

南面觀鳥浮屋於1996年啟用, WWF一直進行維護及保養,以供觀鳥者及訪客使用。經過19年歲月,該觀鳥屋需維修的次數近年日趨頻密,主要支架亦非常老舊,因此須進行大型整修,以確保安全。工程將於6月9 日起進行,並預計於9月底前完成。工程期間觀鳥屋以及通往該觀鳥屋的木橋路段將暫停開放直至工程完畢。請勿在工程期間使用此木橋或觀鳥屋。若為閣下構成任何不便,本會謹此致歉。如欲查詢進一步資料,請聯絡米埔自然保護區辦公室,電話:2471-6212。

The Southern Floating Hide was built in1996. WWF has maintained the hide through a continuous programme of repairand upgrade over the last 19 years. However, repairs have become substantial inrecent years and the main wooden structure is now showing signs of decay. Thehide is in need of urgent repair if it is to remain safe and usable. Therefore, the hidewill be under major revamp this summer from 9 June 2015 onwards. The hide andthe boardwalk section leading to the hide will be closed until the work iscompleted by the end of September. Please do not enter the boardwalk and hideduring this period. Sorry for any inconvenience or disruption this may cause.If you require any further information please telephone the WWF Mai Po Office on 2471-6212.


南面浮屋重建已完成 Southern Floating Hide Revamp completed




Revamp of the Southern Floating Hide is completed. Both the hide and the boardwalk section leading to the hide are now reopened to the public. The revamp was made possible through funds raised from the Big Bird Race 2015. WWF is honored to have received technical advice on the hide’s design from Mike Chalmers, who is our former Mai Po Management Committee member, the architect of 2 Mai Po Centres, and a keen bird watcher!

It took the Mai Po field staff a total of 3.5 months to complete the project. This involved dismantling the old hide, bringing the floating platform back to the helicopter pad at Southern Mai Po for rebuild, and final tow back to its original location.

New features include improved ventilation, more seats, hooks installed at the back of the hide for visitor to place their belongings, and 2 floor height shutters for photographers to take picture of waterbirds closer to the ground / bird eye level.


Dear esther03166,

Thank you very much for reporting the case. The blue bucket and tools belong to the workers (under AFCD contract) who are currently carrying out the mudflat vegetation management work, including control of mangrove seedlings and sedges. You can refer to last year's post for reason and details of the work:

Original posted by WWF Mai Po at 4-7-2014 12:22
Sedges and Mangrove Seedling Management 2014
世界自然基金會每年於觀鳥屋前的潮澗帶泥灘,進行管理莎草及紅樹樹苗的工作。此項工作對維持泥灘作為水鳥覓食地、生態研究、教育及觀 ...

We'll speak to the workers about keeping the site tidy. Please keep reporting to us at Mai Po Office (24716212) or the Visitor Center reception if you find any problem in future.

Thank you very much.

Katherine Leung
Senior Reserve Officer

