
Long Valley 塱原 Autumn 秋 07

Long Valley 塱原 Autumn 秋 07

13 Sep
A Richard's Pipit and a Oriental Turtle Dove were seen in Long Valley.


20 Sep
Weather: sunny and windy
Chestnut Bittern x1
Common Moorhen x1
Common Stonechat x3
Yellow-breasted Bunting x1
Richard's Pipit x1
as well as the 3 snipe species, sandpipers, Little-ringed Plover and Yellow Wagtail. However, no sign of Manchurian Reed Warbler and Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler


A great sunny day!
Waited for almost half an hour but no sign of the Yellow-legged Button-quail :cry:  and many snipes, sandpipers and Little-ringed Plovers on the farmland instead.
On another Shallow Water Habitat managed by HKBWS (#238L):
3 Black-winged Stilt
1 Greenshank
<10 Wood Sandpipers
On a Wet Agricultural Land managed by HKBWS (#242):
Almost 60 snipes and sandpipers were seen!! A really high number of birds!!


A Red-necked Phalarope was seen feeding actively on a Shallow Water Habitat this morning.
There were also many snipes and sandpipers.


It's quite cold this morning but then the sun came out and temperature rised a little.... not a bad day for birding.

Northern Pintail (female) x1
Ruddy-breasted Crake x1
Eurasan Skylark x1
Citrine Wagtail x2 (at least)
Yellow-breasted Bunting x1
Bluethroat x1


Sunny and windy day in LV this morning.
Jacana 水雉 x 1
Greater Painted Snipe 彩鷸 x 7 (6 male and 1 female)
Chestnut-eared Bunting 栗耳鵐 x1
Yellow-breasted Bunting 黃胸鵐 x2
Bluethroat 藍點頦 x 1
Citrine Wagtail 黃頭鶺鴒 x 1
Ruddy-breasted Crake 紅胸田雞 x 1
Hoopoe 戴勝 x 1
Common Greenshank 青腳鷸 x 1

LV has became a popular birding place recently and many people visited there. All of you were well behaved which proofed that birds and humans can live together in harmony. Thank you all of you for your bird reports and great pictures which provide more data for the LV project. Please keep up your good work! Thank you very much!
塱原最近成為觀鳥熱點, 很多鳥友都到塱原觀鳥、攝鳥。大家都十分守規矩,這就証明人類和雀鳥是可以和諧共存的。十分感謝大家的觀鳥報告和照片, 這些都為塱原計劃提供額外的數據。請大家繼續支持, 踴躍報告、貼相。謝謝!
Photo taken by Dr. Cheung Ho Fai 相片由張浩輝博士提供


A Ruff and a Grey Plover was seen in LV last Friday!
The Grey Plover is a LV first!


29 Nov
An afternoon visit to LV this week. A farmer said the Water Cress (Sai Yeung Choi) was coated with ice in the early morning (Luckily I visited there in the afternoon)! The cold weather didn't bring much surprising species to LV but I had a chance to see so many waders resting and feeding activly in the shallow water habitats managed by HKBWS.

下午到塱原視察農地,有農友說早上時西洋菜都結了冰 (幸好我下午到塱原)。雖然寒冷的天氣沒有為塱原帶來很多特別的鳥種,但我有機會一睹大量水鳥在我們管理的農地上休息和覓食。

At 17:36 (a brief count)
54 Wood Sandpiper

24 Wood Sandpiper
9 Snipe sp.

127 Wood Sandpiper
11 Snipe sp.

25 Wood Sandpiper
2 Snipe sp.

2 Spot-billed Duck was found hiding in the lily pond next to Beas River.

