
Cormorant Feeding at MPNR 米埔自然保護區餵飼鸆鶿 冬 Winter 2007/08

Cormorant Feeding at MPNR 米埔自然保護區餵飼鸆鶿 冬 Winter 2007/08

Over the coming winter months, trash fish (mainly Tilapia) will be stocked on a bi-weekly basis into gei wai #3 at Mai Po Nature Reserve for feeding Cormorants. This is part of a programme to reduce the predation by Cormorants on the commercial fish in the fishponds around Mai Po and Inner Deep Bay. The stocking also presents a great opportunity to watch and photograph thousands of birds congregating together as they feast on the fish. The small bird-watching hide/hut by the road can allow for close up views.

The feeding commences at 08:00 and lasts for about 20 minutes, but birds remain for much longer afterwards. Feeding will take place every Tuesday and Friday from 08 November 2007 until mid-March 2008 (exception being the Chinese New Year period: 07 - 10 February 2008 and if temperatures fall below 10 degrees Celsius).

If you require any further information please telephone Miss Janet Lee at the WWF Mai Po Office on 3193 7502.


餵飼於2007年11月8日起至2008年3月中,逢星期二及星期五早上8時進行,為時約20分鐘,但過後仍會有大量水鳥逗留。於農曆新年期間(即2008年2月7至10日) 餵飼將暫停進行,如遇氣溫低於攝氏10度,亦會取消,敬請留意。

如需進一步資料,請致電米埔辦公室 (3193 7502),向李嘉慧小姐查詢。

WWF Mai Po Office

10th January 2006 Gei wai #3 Eva Cheuk

10th January 2006 Gei wai #3 Eva Cheuk

