
Postponement of Re-opening Mai Po Nature Reserve

Postponement of Re-opening Mai Po Nature Reserve

WWF was informed late this afternoon that Mai Po Nature Reserve will not re-open tomorrow morning (Friday 4th January).

We were told the reason for this is that a dead Little Egret collected from the San Tin area this morning is currently being tested for the H5 virus. The result should be announced around lunchtime tomorrow (Friday 4th January). If the bird is H5 virus free, the reserve will be re-opened with immediate effect. A postive H5 result would mean the reserve remains closed until the bird is further tested for H5N1.

We will post up another notice tomorrow afternoon as soon as we know the outcome.

Bena Smith
WWF Reserve Officer

3193 7511


Good news!

The Little Egret found near San Tin yesterday tested negative for H5 so Mai Po is now re-open to the public.

Bena Smith
WWF Reserve Officer

