
Phylloscopus ID. From Emeishan

Phylloscopus ID. From Emeishan

12/8/08, Emeishan (3000m)

This phylloscopus warbler was in a mixed flock of Greenish and Buff-barred Warblers common on the Emeishan summit. However it had a trisyllabic / pentasyllabic loud whistle which sounded different to the disyllabic chirp of Greenish Warblers. In the second pic you can see an interesting hooked tip to the bill, which nevertheless isn't very dark as would be expected for Large-billed.

Please let me know if you have an idea of whether this is a Greenish, Large-billed or other phylloscopus warbler. Many thanks!!

[ Last edited by kkoel at 31/08/2008 23:19 ]


Thanks for your comment Geoff! However I remain confused as I read that Large-billed breeds from 2000-4000m, so altitude alone may not be diagnostic. I'm rather poorly experienced in phylloscopus so I'd like to ask if you could advance on the peculiar morphological/vocal features of the bird? Many thanks again.

