
請幫忙留意彩色腳旗 Plz help to record flagged shorebirds

kestrel!Thank you so much for your sharing! Useful information!

嘗試翻譯了 kestrel 的資料,如有錯誤,請大家不吝指正,謝謝!

kestrel認為此黑嘴鷗(sauders's gull)是在中國江蘇省鹽城國家級自然保護區(Yancheng NNR,Jiangsu province,China)被環誌的。據kestrel所知中國共有3個地方有環誌過黑嘴鷗,包括:

1) 在遼寧省(Liaoning province)盤錦(Panjin)的雙台河口國家級自然保護區(Shuangtaizihekou NNR)。近年來這保護區會在黑嘴鷗的一隻腳套上紅色的腳旗,而另一隻腳則套上顏色色環,如可得知腳旗上的編號及色環的顏色,則可知道該黑嘴鷗的身份。數年前,保護區只在海鷗的腳上套上紅色色環。

2) 山東省(Shandong province)東營(Dongying)的黃河三角州國家級自然保護區(Huanghe delta NNR),保護區會為雀鳥套上綠色的腳旗。

3) 江蘇省鹽城國家級自然保護區(Yancheng NNR,Jiangsu province)),保護區會為雀鳥套上藍色的腳旗。

Original posted by kestrel at 23/02/2010 16:31
Great photo!
I think this bird was banded in Yancheng NNR,Jiangsu province,China.A total of Three sites have band sauders's gull in China mainland,as far as know.

1、Shuangtaizihekou NNR,Panjin,Liaoning province. one leg with an engraved Red flag and a color-band on another leg(recent years). to get Both the flag number and the color of the color-band can id the individuals. they tied only a red-band on the leg some years ago,the gulls must be old birds if still alive.  
2、Huanghe delta NNR,Dongying,Shandong province. one leg with an engraved green flag
3、Yancheng NNR,Jiangsu province. one leg with an engraved blue flag

Except china,Japan also banding saunder'gull, one leg with a Yellow engraved flag,as far as know.
[ Last edited by Sze at 24/02/2010 00:30 ]

