
HKBWS Bulletin turn digital in the future?

Digital Copy is good enough

It's just a waste of money to make printed copies. Anyone who are interested to read, they will do so even if in digital format. For me, I'll read only informative parts to start with and go back again if I need further information in the digital bulletin and I don't have enough space to keep all of them. We're now a digital age people. Let's face it. For instance, no one will make thousands of copies of their photographs and carry heavy albums around anymore. Computers solve this problem. And as an example, all my photos are in my digital ablum ( and I can see them anywhere in the world without spending a cent or carrying them around plus no storage is required. Above all, I can share my digital albums with friends so easily.  Yes, we should be realistic, please allow the Society to survive and not be burdened with unnecessary cost and labour. Long live the HKBWS !!!

[ Last edited by winghee75 at 30/12/2009 08:37 ]

