
HKBWS Bulletin turn digital in the future?

HKBWS Bulletin turn digital in the future?

There were recent discussion in the HKBWS Executive Committee on whether the HKBWS Bulletin should be in digital version only?

At present, we are now printing 2000 copies, and they are full-colour.  Including the mailing cost, that is about HK$30000 every issue.  Other than money, mailing the bulletin also requires substantial manpower.

The arguments for digital bulletin are:

1. Printing that many copies is causing some damage to the earth that we love.  Turning it into digital format only can save some trees.
2. Digital bulletin is easier to send and easier to store.

The argument against are:
1. Many members prefer printed form, and some members would never read the digital form.  That is because they don't like to.  Some members do not use internet.  Many members rely on the printed bulletin as their only contact to the society.  Cutting off the printed bulletin would cut of some members to us.

I like to open the discussion here, to listen to our member's view on this.

HF Cheung

