
Environmental Impact Assessment Report
Public Consultation - Submissions and Objections
- Submissions to be sent in writing to Director of Environmental Protection and to Chair of the Advisory Committee on the Environment before 11th July addresses below.
- Adapt following guidelines. Up to you which points you wish to use. Do not use exact wording. Personalise your submission so it will count. Copy it Hong Kong Birdwatching Society.
- Refer to EIA Report on http://www.info.gov.hk/epd/eia.
Write to :
Dr. Peter Wong Chairman Advisory Council on the Environment 10/F Citibank Tower Citibank Plaza 3 Garden Road Hong Kong Fax: 2316 3347 |
Hong Kong Bird Watching Society Room 625, Beverley Commercial Building 87-105 Chatham Road Tsim Sha Tsui Kowloon Fax: 2314 3687 | |
The Director of Environmental Protection EIA Ordinance Register Office Environmental Protection Department 27/F Southorn Centre 130 Hennessy Road Wanchai Hong Kong Fax No: 2147 0894 |
Guidelines for Submissions
The writer objects to the proposed Spur Line from Sheung Shui to Lok Ma Chau because:
- Long Valley has high ecological value - EIA Report para 4.4.14, tables 4.10, 4.12-4.16
- Long Valley supports many Species of Conservation Importance - tables 4.2,4.3, 4.4
- Long Valley is Hong Kong's last area of freshwater agricultural habitat - para 2.2.6
- Spur Line would have significant adverse impact on ecology of Long Valley in Construction and Operational Phases - admitted in EIA Report
- Line would go through ecologically sensitive freshwater marsh
- Line would fragment Long Valley's wetland agricultural habitat
- Line would disturb and destroy habitat for Species of Conservation Importance
- Long Valley has high landscape quality and sensitivity to change - paras 5.5.17,5.7.4
- Spur Line Viaduct would have high impact on the landscape - admitted - table 2.1
- EIA Study failed to consider avoidance of Long Valley
- EIA Report fails to justify need for Spur Line
- Relies only on figures on 2 festival days to say overcrowding at Lo Wu
- When West Rail already proposed
- EIA Study failed to do cumulative assessment
- No assessment of cumulative impact of Fanling By-pass and Spur Line
- No assessment of cumulative impact of West Rail Phase II and Spur Line
- No consideration whether further adverse impact should be permitted following River Retraining Works in Long Valley
- A full Strategic EIA of all projects should be done before any permit is considered
- Strategic EIA should assess impact of planned Strategic Growth Area in Kwu Tung
- WWF and HKBWS have applied to Town Planning Board for zoning of whole of Long Valley as Conservation Area
- Unique conservation value - significant ecological and landscape quality
- Existing natural features and rural use should be retained and protected
- EIA should now await outcome of zoning application
- EIA Report not consider compromise "Transport Corridor" proposed by HKBWS
- North of Beas River route
- North of retrained river channel
- South of Fanling By-pass
- Including West Rail
- Leaves south core and area north of "Corridor" intact
- EIA Report proposes most environmentally damaging route, the Central Alignment
- Freshwater marsh impacted by Central Alignment - EIA Report APP1
- Central Alignment higher disturbance and Beas River route lower disturbance impact for Birds of Conservation importance - APP2, 7, 8
- Beas River route would cause less fragmentation - para - is preferable once rail is operational - table 2.3 - is preferred option ecologically - table 2.4
- Mitigation and Compensation proposed is not secured
- No management planned for either Long Valley or Lok Ma Chau fishpond compensation areas
- No entity in existence to manage areas - only a wetland management organisation. Who is this to be and have they agreed?
- No provision for financing of management of areas, no sum of money, fund or Trust provided for
- Detailed measures for physical management and maintenance of the landscape required
- No guarantee of long term sustainability of mitigation and compensation measures - same as no compensation at all
- Mitigation and Compensation measures proposed are inadequate
- Central Alignment and Beas River not equal ecologically as Report claims - para - mitigation cannot be same as avoidance
- Compensation Reserve would be under the viaduct - species of Conservation Importance sensitive to noise and disturbance above and would avoid
- Measures not replace "like with like" - compensatory wetland underneath viaduct and near Beas River Channel not equivalent to existing habitat
- Report accepts there is "scope for additional habitat provisionˇ¨ for 10 species of Conservation Importance - table 4.4
- Applicant for permit should be asked: is Beas River compensation area now proposed additional to that already required under the River Channelisation project?
- Independent Environmental Consultants should be asked:
- Is temporary wetland at side of site during Construction Phase effective to ensure species of Conservation Importance are not disturbed?
- What would the environmental impact be of a more realistic wider footprint during the Construction phase?
- Would wetland under viaduct be effective compensation to conserve species of Conservation Importance?
- Would Beas River wetland bordered by Fanling Bypass be effective compensation to conserve species of Conservation Importance?
Copyright 1999, Hong Kong Bird Watching Society.
For comments and questions, please e-mail to hkbws@hkbws.org.hk.