
Key quotations/references
Nial Moores, ecological planner and advisor to Korean Tourist Board
"ˇKThe area is excellent for many species of freshwater wetland birds - and is clearly an extremely important area of wetland for maintaining Hong Kong's regional biodiversity. Considering the attractiveness of the area to various pipit and snipe species (which we failed locate at other sites in Hong Kong) it would be a very significant loss to Hong Kong - and its image as an environmental leader - if the area were to be further degraded in any way." More info.
Mark Beaman, Managing Director, Birdquest (UK-based bird tour company)
"ˇK Not only does Long Valley provide a vision of how all rural Hong Kong once was, but even more importantly, by default, an important wildlife environment in its own rightˇK Whenever we take our birdwatching groups to Hong Kong we always make a point of visiting Long Valley, and everyone we take there finds the area a tranquil oasis after the noise and pollution that is prevalent in much of Hong Kong." More info.
Gordon Siu, Secretary for Planning and Lands Hong Kong SAR Government
In his presentation of plans for Kwu Tung North on 19 November, 1999 Mr Siu outlined a plan which stated that Long Valley would be protected as an area of ecological value.
Tsang Wai Long, Form 4 student, Q.E.S.O.S.A. Secondary School, Sheung Shui
"ˇKObviously if Long Valley was lost the birds would suffer and so would the biodiversity of Hong Kong. If the Government is promoting sustainable development, biodiversity is one of the ˇ§8 Guiding Principlesˇ¨ˇK Allowing the railway to pierce the heart of Long Valley is indeed sad and miserable. ˇKThis will lead to increased environmental disturbance, which will affect the habitat of the wildlife." More info.
Mr C.T. Kwok, Teacher Baptist Wing Lung Secondary School and resident of Lok Ma Chau
"ˇKAs a local resident grwoing up in this area I am sad to see the irrevocable damage which has been done to our natural ecosystem. Because of our selfishness, our nxt generation will not be able to enjoy this 'fantastic home'.
As a friend of nature, I cannot bear to see it seriously harmed, and with no area of retreat. I sincerely hope decision-makers wil grant the wildlife of this area a chance to live.
As a bird watcher I will lose a birding site and an area for leisure.
As an environmental teacher, I will lose an outdor classroom where I can teach my students about biodiversity and the environment.
As a father I will lose an area where I can bring my familyˇK"
Tung Chee Hwa Chief Executive, Hong Kong SAR
"ˇKAmidst the rapid pace of city life in the 21st Century, it is important that we preserve our countrysideˇK"
"ˇKI intend to set up a Council for Sustainable Development ˇKIt will also encourage the community to put the concept of sustainable development into practiceˇKTogether we will strive to make Hong Kong a green model for AsiaˇK"
(Excerpts from the 199 Policy Address)
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Copyright 1999, Hong Kong Bird Watching Society.
For comments and questions, please e-mail to hkbws@hkbws.org.hk.