Bird record

Record submission Rarities




Record submission

Keeping records of Hong Kong's birds is very important for their protection. Recent development in the New Territories has made it even more necessary to keep good records, especially for important bird sites that face imminent destruction. We need more recores of all but the very commonest Hong Kong birds. Records of common and widespread resident species such as Chinese Bulbul, Yellow-bellied Prinia and Spotted Dove etc are, generally speaking, of little value unless there is an unusual aspect in terms of behaviour number, habitat or location. However, the Records Committee very much welcomes records of all migrant species and all sumer and winter visitors.

The society also maintains a collection of reports of birds recorded during members' visits to various parts of Southeast Asia and China to assist others in planning overseas trips.

To encourage members to submit their records, the Records Committee has agreed to accept records in EXCEL format also, and Excel file of the birds of Hong Kong has been prepared.

Members can also download record form in Excel form here and use it for record keeping. Records should be submitted to HKBWS Records Committee either by mail or e-mail not later than January 31 of the next year.

The Society also provides 150x106mm Bird Record Cards to facilitate analysis and storage and these are available form the Rcorder. Bird record cards can be obtained from HKBWS (GPO Box 12460, H.K.) or WWF office in Central (No.1 Tramway Path, Central, H.K.). Guidelines for record submission can be referring to the latest Hong Kong Bird Report.

Members wishing to look at past records are asked to contact the Recorder. It is hoped that the ease with with records can be retrieved will result in interested people analysing migration patterns and population trends and undertaking other studies.



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