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   The Magpie Story 喜鵲的故事
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   Author  Topic: The Magpie Story 喜鵲的故事  (Read 2534 times)
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Re: The Magpie Story 喜鵲的故事
« Reply #15 on: Apr 18th, 2004, 5:02pm »
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上星期日喜鵲夫婦的巢被大嘴烏鴉破壞之後,他們並沒有放棄營巢,而且恩愛如昔 。
The Magpies still keep to the nest after the raid by the Crows. The bond between the couple is close as ever.

They picked up small twigs and fluffy stuff to repair the nest.

由於住處沒有升降機,搬運材料又頗為費力,所以要利用柱上的便梯,一步數級地 飛上去。
Moving the material is hard work, so they have to make use of the cat-ladder on the post, taking a few rungs at a time.

It took an entire week to complete the repair.

11/04/04                           17/04/04
About ten days ago, a pair of Black-necked Starlings also started a nest on a nearby post.

They were less fussy than the Magpies regarding building material and workmanship.  

喜鵲夫婦有時會跑過去看看。不知兩家之間是否曾經發生了爭執,過幾天黑領椋鳥 夫婦就不再出現了。
The Magpies visited them from time to time. Probably due to a dispute between the families, the Black-necked Starlings were not seen again after a few days.

A pair of Black-eared Kites visited the abandoned nest this morning.

喜鵲夫婦見到了,飛過去平台之下等候,待麻鷹離開後立即上去,好像要檢查一些 甚麼似的。
The Magpies went over on seeing the Kites and waited under the platform. Once the Kites were gone, they flew up immediately and walked around, as if to inspect something.

另外,喜鵲夫婦的巢可能又要面對新的威脅:一隻外形修長、顏色偏黑的鳥昨天趁 著喜鵲夫婦外出,鬼鬼祟祟的飛來。
The Magpies could be facing a new threat: a slender, dark-colored bird visited their nest when they were away yesterday.

在高倍放大之下,可見那鳥身上有一些斑紋,很可能是雌性的噪鵑(在附近曾見過 兩隻雄鳥和一隻雌鳥)。
The heavily marked body of the bird suggests a female Koel (two males and one female were seen in the area).

那鳥急急地飛入喜鵲的巢內,不消幾秒鐘便出來,又匆匆的離開,會不會已經下了 蛋呢?
It sneaked into the Magpies' nest quickly and left in just a few seconds –could it have laid the egg?

喜鵲夫婦似乎並不知道曾經有不速之客到訪,如常活動,午後又雙雙離去,相信還 未開始孵蛋。
The Magpies apparently did not know what had happened. Since they left the nest after noon, perhaps incubation hasn't started yet.

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Re: The Magpie Story 喜鵲的故事
« Reply #16 on: Apr 24th, 2004, 7:03pm »
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The Magpies continued to keep the nest.

Sadly, the Large-billed Crows raided it again last Wednesday evening.

喜鵲先生奮力扺抗,最後還是不敵,唯有留在平台之下,看著自己辛苦修復的巢再 次被毀。
Mr. Magpie tried to resist, but all was futile. He could do nothing but stayed under the platform, watching the destruction of the repaired nest.
大嘴烏鴉這次從巢中銜了一些東西出來,然後仰起頭來像在吞咽,會不會是喜鵲蛋 呢?
The Crows seemed to be swallowing something they picked up from the nest – could it be an egg?
Mr. Magpie rushed back immediately after the Crows were gone, tail erected tightly in excitement.

Shortly after Mrs. Magpie returned, Mr. Magpie dived straight down the platform, as if in great frustration.

大約十分鐘之後,忽然出現了最少四隻新來的喜鵲,不斷kla-kla-kla-kla 的叫著,會不會是喜鵲先生招來幫忙的?
Four new magpies suddenly appeared around the nest, making the typical kla-kla-kla-kla magpie calls – were they summoned by Mr. Magpie to help?

新來的喜鵲似乎很想看看喜鵲夫婦的破巢,但是喜鵲太太好像不大高興,又是邊叫 邊趕的把牠們驅走。
The new comers seemed eager to check out the damaged nest, but they were repelled by Mrs. Magpie's scolding calls.
當時天色已黑,不久所有的喜鵲都走光了,唯獨是有一隻仍然留在燈柱上,好像有 點依依不捨-究竟牠會是誰呢?
All the magpies were soon gone as the daylight faded, except one who lingered on a post – who could that be?

The Magpies appeared again at the nest early the following morning, as if nothing had happened.

另一方面,黑領椋鳥留下的巢似乎還有一點吸引力,上星期提到的一對麻鷹差不多 每天早上都來看看,把玩一下巢中的樹枝,只是沒有久留。由於筆者要上班,不能 全日監察,牠們日間有沒有再來就不得而知了。
On a separate thread, the nest abandoned by the Black-necked starlings seemed to have generated some interest among nesting couples. The pair of Kites, who first appeared last week, visited the nest briefly nearly every morning to play with the twigs. However it is know whether they kept coming during the rest of the day.

一對喜鵲也曾經來看過──那是星期三烏鴉來襲的第二天。當時還以為牠們要搬進 來,以便和喜鵲夫婦守望相助,共同扺禦烏鴉的侵襲。可惜牠們只出現了一次,以 後便再也不見了。
A pair of Magpies had also inspected the nest – in the morning immediately after the Crows’ raid. They could help to strengthen the defence against the Crows by moving in. However they were never seen again.

In addition, a lone Kite perches on one of the floodlights for a few minutes as part of its daily routine.

今天早上大嘴烏鴉又來搗亂,可能由於喜鵲夫婦的巢中已經沒有甚麼值得破壞,大 嘴烏鴉很快便離開了。
The Crow struck again this morning. It only stayed briefly, perhaps because little remained to be destroyed in the nest.

« Last Edit: Apr 25th, 2004, 7:57pm by Webcreeper » Logged
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Re: The Magpie Story 喜鵲的故事
« Reply #17 on: May 2nd, 2004, 12:38am »
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上次大嘴烏鴉再度來襲之後,喜鵲夫婦沒有再像以前那樣時刻留在巢邊,而是轉到 了鄰近的黑領椋鳥的舊巢,每天大清早便在那裡出現。
After the last attack by the Large-billed Crows, the Magpies have moved to the nest abandoned by the Black-necked Starlings, turning up at the platform early each morning.

*They used the place for resting and grooming.

The Large-billed Crows also came to the playground early, probably to stop the Magpies from nesting within their territory.
Sometimes the Large-billed Crows would just sit at the Magpies’ nest to keep the owners away.

喜鵲夫婦只好以黑領椋鳥的巢作為瞭望台,有時趁大嘴烏鴉不在,偷偷飛過去看看 ,然後又急急的離開。
The Magpies also used the Black-necked Starlings’ nest as a look-out. When the Large-billed Crows were not around, they would sneak back for a quick look at their old home.

*一天早上,喜鵲太太在巢邊理羽,一隻麻鷹飛到燈柱上,喜鵲太太和牠糾纏了一 陣,然後若無其事的繼續理羽,可見在喜鵲心目中麻鷹有甚麼地位。
*When Mrs. Magpie was grooming herself at the platform one morning, a Kite landed on the floodlight above. Mrs. Magpie fought the Kite for a few seconds and then continued grooming. You can get some idea about how Magpies think about Kites.

*每日黃昏,在球場周圍生活的喜鵲通常都有一個聚會,一邊互相追逐,一邊發出 kla-kla-kla-kla 的叫聲,喜鵲夫婦也會參加。
*Magpies living around the playground would flock together in the evening, chasing each other and making the characteristic magpie calls. Mr. and Mrs. Magpie would join the party.
今天早上又見到噪鵑停在黑領椋鳥舊巢的下面,上次拍的照片有點模糊,這次可以 清楚的看到牠花斑斑的尾羽。
A Koel appeared under the Black-necked Starlings’ nest this morning. The heavily marked tail can be seen clearly this time.

*一對黑領椋鳥停在噪鵑的上方,似乎完全不知道下面的鳥可能會是破壞牠們家庭 的第三者。
*A pair of Black-necked Starlings perched above the Koel – do they understand what the parasite can do?

噪鵑停了十多分鐘才飛走,不久在黑領椋鳥的舊巢出現,檢視一番之後又飛到喜鵲 夫婦的巢中察看,大概是在找尋「狸貓換太子」的機會吧。
The Koel left after about ten minutes. It was then seen checking the Black-necked Starlings’ and the Magpies’ nests, perhaps looking for opportunity to plant her eggs.

今日黃昏時分,喜鵲夫婦和鄰居聚會之後,特地回到黑領椋鳥的舊巢,叫了幾聲才 飛走。
After today’s evening gathering, the Magpies returned to the look-out, gave out a few calls and then left.

The floodlights were finally turned on today – what will the Magpies do after that?

* 由於望遠鏡的視場有限,標有*號的照片實際上是由多張照片(大約於一分鐘內拍 攝)接合而成,以便更好的交代當時的情景。
* To deal with the limited field of view through the telescope, photos marked with * were in fact merged from more than one shot (usually taken within about one minute of each other).
« Last Edit: May 15th, 2004, 7:41am by Webcreeper » Logged
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Re: The Magpie Story 喜鵲的故事
« Reply #18 on: May 5th, 2004, 7:59pm »
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I loved reading about the magpies! I wonder what's going to happen next?
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Re: The Magpie Story 喜鵲的故事
« Reply #19 on: May 6th, 2004, 9:13pm »
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So do I!
Just found a happier Magpie Story on the web, in Taipei:
The Taipei couple is more fortunate, our Mr. and Mrs. Magpie still can't go home because of the Large-billed Crows.

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Re: The Magpie Story 喜鵲的故事
« Reply #20 on: May 9th, 2004, 11:49pm »
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There was little new development this week. The Large-billed Crows were still watching the Magpies.

而喜鵲夫婦則仍然時常留在黑領椋鳥的棄巢,甚少跑回舊巢那邊。參考台北行政院 外的喜鵲幼鳥已經離巢,我們的喜鵲夫婦會不會因為繁殖時機已過,所以沒有以前 那麼積極?
The Magpies continued to stay at the Black-necked Starlings’ abandoned nest, but now they seldom went over to their old nest. The chicks of the Taipei couple had already left the nest. Are our Magpies giving up because the breeding season has already expired?

Sometimes they would pick up some twigs on the platform, but this was not nest-building.

A Koel came out to dry her feathers after rain on Wednesday morning. She was soon driven away by Mrs. Magpie.
喜鵲夫婦的球場原來上星期五已經啟用。我趁著上週日黃昏有空,過去近距離拍了 一些鳥巢的照片,同時實地觀察他們的活動。
The playground was opened last Friday. I went there last Sunday evening for some close-ups of the nest, and to find out what they were doing.

Mrs. Magpie was quite shy – she stayed inside the mesh fence, strolling with some Black-necked Starlings.

On the other hand, Mr. Magpie accepted my close approach.

球場周圍都有「殺蟲有毒 請勿內進」的告示,希望殺蟲藥不會連鳥也殺死。
The sign reads “Pesticide. Please do not enter.”  It was posted all around the fence. I hope they had used a pesticide that is safe for birds.

I returned again yesterday for more photos, but the Magpies preferred to stay on the post.

As dusk approached, Mrs. Magpie perched beside the floodlights. It seemed that the temperature there was acceptable after all.

The Large-billed Crowed appeared again. Was it trying to remind the Magpies who’s in charge?

After the Large-billed Crow has left, Mr. Magpie landed on the ground, probably for some snack. Mrs. Magpie remained on the post.

喜鵲先生似乎明白鐵網可以將我隔開,連我走到離他兩米以內那麼近也不理。兩個 月來我都是從遠處觀看,現在和他面對面,有點既熟悉又陌生的感覺。喜鵲先生在 草地上邊走邊搜索,直到太太在我背後叫了幾聲,才和她一起飛進球場旁邊的樹林 中,參加鄰居的黃昏聚會去了。
Mr. Magpie appeared to be quite sure about the security of the fence, ignoring me even when I approached to within two metres. After two months of monitoring from a long distance, I was at last face-to-face with this familiar stranger. He foraged on the grass until his mate called out behind me. He then flew with her into the bush outside the playground to socialize with neighbours.

That ends the Magpie Story. If you come across similar opportunities in learning about the life of birds, please do share with us in the BBS. Cheers!
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Re: The Magpie Story 喜鵲的故事
« Reply #21 on: May 10th, 2004, 6:43pm »
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Dear Birdwatcher A,
Would you mind to tell us how to differentiate between Mr. and Mrs. Magpie?
Thank you for your answer in advance.

Thank you for sharing the joy of bird-watching.
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Re: The Magpie Story 喜鵲的故事
« Reply #22 on: May 10th, 2004, 10:00pm »
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Good question!  All magpies wear the same black-and-white uniform, but I was fortunate enough to have a pair with long and short tails, from which I can at least tell them apart.
When I first began writing, I guessed the one with longer tail should be the male - a male with short tail would have difficulty finding a mate. (Of course, the tail could have been lost after pairing, but that is an afterthought).
I became more and more certain with further observation:
- Only Long-tail dared to fight the Large-billed Crows, it also stayed outside the nest most of the time
- Short-tail spent more time inside the nest
- Long-tail is quieter while Short-tail calls a lot (you probably won't agree to that! )
問得好!每隻喜鵲都穿著劃一的黑白晚禮服,幸好我遇到的一對有長短不一的尾巴 ,最少可以分辨出誰是誰。
當初動筆寫故事的時候,我猜長尾的應該是雄的-短尾的雄鳥相信很難找到老婆( 當然,那尾巴也可能是他們夫婦配對之後才丟掉的,但是當時沒有想到這一點)。  
- 只有長尾敢和大嘴烏鴉對抗,而且多留在巢外
- 短尾留在巢中的時間較長
- 長尾比較沉默寡言,而短尾則時常喋喋不休的鳴叫(你可能會不同意!
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Re: The Magpie Story 喜鵲的故事
« Reply #23 on: May 17th, 2004, 6:58pm »
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on Apr 24th, 2004, 7:03pm, 鳥友A(BWA) wrote:
That ends the Magpie Story. If you come across similar opportunities in learning about the life of birds, please do share with us in the BBS. Cheers!  

Dear BWA,  
Thanks very much for your generous sharing.   I keep check back the story once for a while, if there are further progress of this pair, please don't mind to update us!
Happy birding,
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Re: The Magpie Story 喜鵲的故事
« Reply #24 on: Oct 29th, 2004, 8:37pm »
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