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Discussion Area °Q½×°Ï >> Bird Identification ³¾Ãþ¿ëÃÑ >> The Magpie Story ³ßÄNªº¬G¨Æ
(Message started by: ³¾¤Í¢Ï(BWA) on Mar 20th, 2004, 7:38pm)

Title: The Magpie Story ³ßÄNªº¬G¨Æ
Post by ³¾¤Í¢Ï(BWA) on Mar 20th, 2004, 7:38pm
A pair of magpies started a nest outside my window. They seemed never satisfied with the weak tree trunk. After a few days, they decided to go for a better site.

Five floodlight poles were erected on a playground under construction. The couple decided to build their new home on one of the access platforms for the floodlights.

Oh! I nearly forget to introduce the characters ¡V Mr. Magpie, who has a long tail¡K

and Mrs. Magpie, whose tail is shorter.

The couple ferried twigs from around to build the nest.

Regardless whether it¡¦s sunny or cloudy, they worked from morning till evening.

Sometimes one of them would take a short break, to have a look at the neighbourhood.

When the nest was half-finished, a pair of crows seems to want it for themselves!

Undeterred, the brave couple stood up to the challenge.

Mr. Magpie charged at the intruder and drove the crows to a nearby pole. The Magpies then guarded their home with an angry stare.

The couple continued with construction after the crows were gone. The nest seems to be completed today ¡V time to appreciate the results, and also for and some grooming.

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Although the Magpies have successfully repelled their enemies, their outlook is still uncertain: crows and kites are haunting the area, the parasitic Koel is calling, their nest could be baked when the floodlights light up ¡K(to be continued)

¦hÁ³ÂÆN²Õªº Etta µ¹§Ú¤¶²Ð¨â¦ì¥D¨¤¡A¤]¤Þµo¤F§Ú°O¿ý³o­Ó¬G¨Æªº©ÀÀY¡C
Thanks Etta of the Kite Study Group for pointing out the birds to me, and also for inspiring the idea of this story.

Title: Re: The Magpie Story ³ßÄNªº¬G¨Æ
Post by bond on Mar 21st, 2004, 4:44pm
´Á«Ý¬G¨Æªºµo®i ::)

Title: Re: The Magpie Story ³ßÄNªº¬G¨Æ
Post by °²³¾°g on Mar 23rd, 2004, 1:18pm

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Title: Re: The Magpie Story ³ßÄNªº¬G¨Æ
Post by Captain on Mar 23rd, 2004, 5:28pm
Not really the case.

Magpies may like any firm structures to nest. So, trees could be one of the options.  They may feel other man-made structures safe to nest as well.

For example, the crane at Mai Po Nature Reserve, where many big trees are available, is also used by Magpie to nest.

Nevertheless, the conservation of trees in urban areas is important to urban wildlife.

Title: Re: The Magpie Story ³ßÄNªº¬G¨Æ
Post by ³¾¤Í¢Ï(BWA) on Mar 26th, 2004, 10:58pm
How did the Magpies drive the Crow away?

Mrs. Magpie first found the Crow in her nest when she returned. She stayed under the platform to avoid a direct confrontation.

Then came Mr. Magpie¡K

who positioned himself above the intruder. Mrs. Magpie also flew up to help.

Finding itself out of position and out-numbered, the Crow targeted Mrs. Magpie for a break out.

Mrs. Magpie was prepared ¡V she took flight immediately as the Crow spread its wings.

The Crow failed to hit Mrs. Magpie, but it had gained access to the door.

It had barely steadied itself when Mr. Magpie repaid the charge.

The Crow was nearly knocked off its perch.

Three of them stood face-to-face over the nest after the exchange. The Crow left soon afterwards because it couldn't bully the determined Magpies.

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The fight took less than half a minute, and was recorded in my N4500 as a movie. I can appreciate the intelligence of the Corvids through the episode.

Title: ³ßÄNªº¬G¨Æ - ¤Ñ¤å¥xª©¥»
Post by Chairman on Mar 26th, 2004, 11:25pm


Title: Re: The Magpie Story ³ßÄNªº¬G¨Æ
Post by ³¾¤Í¢Ï(BWA) on Mar 27th, 2004, 1:12am


§Æ±æ³ßÄN¤Ò°ü¯à°÷Ác´Þ¦¨¥\¡C :)

Title: Re: The Magpie Story ³ßÄNªº¬G¨Æ
Post by Forrest FONG on Mar 27th, 2004, 8:59am
³ßÄN­ÌÁÙ°÷ºÖ®ð¡A¯à°÷¦b³£¥«¤º§ä¨ì¤j¾ð¹q½u±ìµ¥¡u­É¨Óªº¦a¤è¡v :-/¡F
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Title: Re: The Magpie Story ³ßÄNªº¬G¨Æ
Post by Etta on Mar 29th, 2004, 10:46pm

on 03/27/04 at 01:12:46, ³¾¤Í¢Ï(BWA) wrote:
§Æ±æ³ßÄN¤Ò°ü¯à°÷Ác´Þ¦¨¥\¡C :)


Etta ;D

Title: Re: The Magpie Story ³ßÄNªº¬G¨Æ
Post by Etta on Mar 29th, 2004, 10:51pm

on 03/27/04 at 08:59:34, Forrest FONG wrote:

®a¿P­Ì´N¨S³o¯ë©¯¹B°Õ :-[¡A­»´ä¦³¡uÃM¼Ó©³¡vªº¦a¤è¤w©Ò¾lµL´X¡A·s¦¡ªº°ª¼Ó¤j·H¡A¥u¦³¤d¸U¤¸ªº¤Ï¥ú¬Á¼þ¹õÀð¡A¥bÂI­Éµ¹®a¿Pªº¦a¤è¤]¨S¦³¡I :'(

­ü­ü¡ã¡ã :'(    



Title: Re: The Magpie Story ³ßÄNªº¬G¨Æ
Post by ³¾¤Í¢Ï(BWA) on Apr 3rd, 2004, 7:31pm
The Crow couldn¡¦t forget the nest after having been expelled last time.  It kept spying on the Magpies from time to time.

The Magpies seem to be working on a clutch, turning up at the nest around 6 to 7 every morning.

Mrs. Magpie stayed inside most of the time, but sometimes she would take a break by calling from the floodlights.

Sadly, the story told by our Chairman was repeated here after two weeks of peace:

The Crow visited the nest around 6 this morning. After a big shower at 9, it called out loudly on a floodlight.

Two Crows seemed determined to wreck the nest this time. The Magpies could do nothing but watch from under the platform.

The Crows dug out the nest lining, tearing it to pieces and then left.

Mr. Magpie went up immediately to check the damage.

Mrs. Magpie followed.

Mr. Magpie appeared helpless and dejected at the wreck,

while the destroyer perched proudly at a nearby platform,

making occasional calls.

The Magpies kept coming back to the nest in the morning ¡V perhaps the loss was too hard to swallow. They came back again shortly after noon today, grooming each other on the rails.

They were not seen again since then ¡Ð have they abandoned the nest to avoid the Crows ? Hope to report again soon.

Title: Re: The Magpie Story ³ßÄNªº¬G¨Æ
Post by ³¾¤Í¢Ï(BWA) on Apr 11th, 2004, 11:54pm
The Magpies were still keeping the nest after the attach by Crows last week. They continue to be seen early every morning.

The Crow was still haunting the nest, but there were no further attacks.

Strangely, Mrs. Magpie stayed outside the nest most of the time and didn¡¦t appear to be incubating.

Three other magpies came last Friday ¡K

but they were driven away by Mrs. Magpie, who seemed not pleased with their company.

At last the Crows struck again today, for three times!

Tried as he did, Mr. Magpie was no match for the big Crows¡K

he was driven off every time he flew up.

The Crows pulled out the nest lining, held it under their fleet and then torn it into shreds.

The Magpies hurried back to check the nest once the Crows left, but what else could they do?

Shortly after noon, the couple groomed each other in the shadow of the nest. They were not seen again afterwards.

The Crows came again an hour later, but the Magpies were not there to defend it¡K

Only the broken nest is left.

:( :( :(

Title: Re: The Magpie Story ³ßÄNªº¬G¨Æ
Post by Lynx on Apr 12th, 2004, 11:38am
Can anyone explain the reasoning for the crows to disrupt the nesting of magpies?  It doesn't seem like they want to occupy the nest nor they are parasitises?

Title: Re: The Magpie Story ³ßÄNªº¬G¨Æ
Post by ³¾¤Í¢Ï(BWA) on Apr 12th, 2004, 8:18pm
I suspect the Crows are also breeding in the area themselves. Apparently they are trying to stop the Magpies from competing with them for resources such as food and nesting space. Too many Magpies in the area would mean fewer Crows.  This should be more an instinctive behaviour than a well thought out plan.

The Magpies are still staying at the nest today, but I don't think they would succeed in raising any chicks this season.



Title: Re: The Magpie Story ³ßÄNªº¬G¨Æ
Post by Etta on Apr 13th, 2004, 2:59pm
Thanks for follow up the story.  We could see that either breeding or survival, wildlife is not easy...



Title: Re: The Magpie Story ³ßÄNªº¬G¨Æ
Post by ³¾¤Í¢Ï(BWA) on Apr 18th, 2004, 5:02pm
The Magpies still keep to the nest after the raid by the Crows. The bond between the couple is close as ever.

They picked up small twigs and fluffy stuff to repair the nest.

Moving the material is hard work, so they have to make use of the cat-ladder on the post, taking a few rungs at a time.

It took an entire week to complete the repair.

About ten days ago, a pair of Black-necked Starlings also started a nest on a nearby post.

They were less fussy than the Magpies regarding building material and workmanship.

The Magpies visited them from time to time. Probably due to a dispute between the families, the Black-necked Starlings were not seen again after a few days.

A pair of Black-eared Kites visited the abandoned nest this morning.

The Magpies went over on seeing the Kites and waited under the platform. Once the Kites were gone, they flew up immediately and walked around, as if to inspect something.

The Magpies could be facing a new threat: a slender, dark-colored bird visited their nest when they were away yesterday.

The heavily marked body of the bird suggests a female Koel (two males and one female were seen in the area).

It sneaked into the Magpies' nest quickly and left in just a few seconds ¡Vcould it have laid the egg?

The Magpies apparently did not know what had happened. Since they left the nest after noon, perhaps incubation hasn't started yet.

Title: Re: The Magpie Story ³ßÄNªº¬G¨Æ
Post by ³¾¤Í¢Ï(BWA) on Apr 24th, 2004, 7:03pm
The Magpies continued to keep the nest.

Sadly, the Large-billed Crows raided it again last Wednesday evening.

Mr. Magpie tried to resist, but all was futile. He could do nothing but stayed under the platform, watching the destruction of the repaired nest.¡@

The Crows seemed to be swallowing something they picked up from the nest ¡V could it be an egg?¡@

Mr. Magpie rushed back immediately after the Crows were gone, tail erected tightly in excitement.

Shortly after Mrs. Magpie returned, Mr. Magpie dived straight down the platform, as if in great frustration.

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Four new magpies suddenly appeared around the nest, making the typical kla-kla-kla-kla magpie calls ¡V were they summoned by Mr. Magpie to help?

The new comers seemed eager to check out the damaged nest, but they were repelled by Mrs. Magpie's scolding calls.¡@

All the magpies were soon gone as the daylight faded, except one who lingered on a post ¡V who could that be?

The Magpies appeared again at the nest early the following morning, as if nothing had happened.

On a separate thread, the nest abandoned by the Black-necked starlings seemed to have generated some interest among nesting couples. The pair of Kites, who first appeared last week, visited the nest briefly nearly every morning to play with the twigs. However it is know whether they kept coming during the rest of the day.

A pair of Magpies had also inspected the nest ¡V in the morning immediately after the Crows¡¦ raid. They could help to strengthen the defence against the Crows by moving in. However they were never seen again.

In addition, a lone Kite perches on one of the floodlights for a few minutes as part of its daily routine.

The Crow struck again this morning. It only stayed briefly, perhaps because little remained to be destroyed in the nest.

Title: Re: The Magpie Story ³ßÄNªº¬G¨Æ
Post by ³¾¤Í¢Ï(BWA) on May 2nd, 2004, 12:38am
After the last attack by the Large-billed Crows, the Magpies have moved to the nest abandoned by the Black-necked Starlings, turning up at the platform early each morning.

¡¯They used the place for resting and grooming.

The Large-billed Crows also came to the playground early, probably to stop the Magpies from nesting within their territory.¡@

Sometimes the Large-billed Crows would just sit at the Magpies¡¦ nest to keep the owners away.

The Magpies also used the Black-necked Starlings¡¦ nest as a look-out. When the Large-billed Crows were not around, they would sneak back for a quick look at their old home.

¡¯When Mrs. Magpie was grooming herself at the platform one morning, a Kite landed on the floodlight above. Mrs. Magpie fought the Kite for a few seconds and then continued grooming. You can get some idea about how Magpies think about Kites.

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¡¯Magpies living around the playground would flock together in the evening, chasing each other and making the characteristic magpie calls. Mr. and Mrs. Magpie would join the party.¡@

A Koel appeared under the Black-necked Starlings¡¦ nest this morning. The heavily marked tail can be seen clearly this time.

¡¯A pair of Black-necked Starlings perched above the Koel ¡V do they understand what the parasite can do?

The Koel left after about ten minutes. It was then seen checking the Black-necked Starlings¡¦ and the Magpies¡¦ nests, perhaps looking for opportunity to plant her eggs.

After today¡¦s evening gathering, the Magpies returned to the look-out, gave out a few calls and then left.

The floodlights were finally turned on today ¡V what will the Magpies do after that?

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¡¯ To deal with the limited field of view through the telescope, photos marked with * were in fact merged from more than one shot (usually taken within about one minute of each other).

Title: Re: The Magpie Story ³ßÄNªº¬G¨Æ
Post by Denise on May 5th, 2004, 7:59pm
I loved reading about the magpies! I wonder what's going to happen next?


Title: Re: The Magpie Story ³ßÄNªº¬G¨Æ
Post by ³¾¤Í¢Ï(BWA) on May 6th, 2004, 9:13pm
So do I!

Just found a happier Magpie Story on the web, in Taipei:



The Taipei couple is more fortunate, our Mr. and Mrs. Magpie still can't go home because of the Large-billed Crows.


Title: Re: The Magpie Story ³ßÄNªº¬G¨Æ
Post by ³¾¤Í¢Ï(BWA) on May 9th, 2004, 11:49pm
There was little new development this week. The Large-billed Crows were still watching the Magpies.

The Magpies continued to stay at the Black-necked Starlings¡¦ abandoned nest, but now they seldom went over to their old nest. The chicks of the Taipei couple had already left the nest. Are our Magpies giving up because the breeding season has already expired?

Sometimes they would pick up some twigs on the platform, but this was not nest-building.

A Koel came out to dry her feathers after rain on Wednesday morning. She was soon driven away by Mrs. Magpie.¡@

The playground was opened last Friday. I went there last Sunday evening for some close-ups of the nest, and to find out what they were doing.

Mrs. Magpie was quite shy ¡V she stayed inside the mesh fence, strolling with some Black-necked Starlings.

On the other hand, Mr. Magpie accepted my close approach.

The sign reads ¡§Pesticide. Please do not enter.¡¨  It was posted all around the fence. I hope they had used a pesticide that is safe for birds.

I returned again yesterday for more photos, but the Magpies preferred to stay on the post.

As dusk approached, Mrs. Magpie perched beside the floodlights. It seemed that the temperature there was acceptable after all.

The Large-billed Crowed appeared again. Was it trying to remind the Magpies who¡¦s in charge?

After the Large-billed Crow has left, Mr. Magpie landed on the ground, probably for some snack. Mrs. Magpie remained on the post.

Mr. Magpie appeared to be quite sure about the security of the fence, ignoring me even when I approached to within two metres. After two months of monitoring from a long distance, I was at last face-to-face with this familiar stranger. He foraged on the grass until his mate called out behind me. He then flew with her into the bush outside the playground to socialize with neighbours.

That ends the Magpie Story. If you come across similar opportunities in learning about the life of birds, please do share with us in the BBS. Cheers!

Title: Re: The Magpie Story ³ßÄNªº¬G¨Æ
Post by cywong on May 10th, 2004, 6:43pm
Dear Birdwatcher A,

Would you mind to tell us how to differentiate between Mr. and Mrs. Magpie?

Thank you for your answer in advance.


Title: Re: The Magpie Story ³ßÄNªº¬G¨Æ
Post by ³¾¤Í¢Ï(BWA) on May 10th, 2004, 10:00pm
Good question!  All magpies wear the same black-and-white uniform, but I was fortunate enough to have a pair with long and short tails, from which I can at least tell them apart.

When I first began writing, I guessed the one with longer tail should be the male - a male with short tail would have difficulty finding a mate. (Of course, the tail could have been lost after pairing, but that is an afterthought).

I became more and more certain with further observation:

- Only Long-tail dared to fight the Large-billed Crows, it also stayed outside the nest most of the time

- Short-tail spent more time inside the nest

- Long-tail is quieter while Short-tail calls a lot (you probably won't agree to that! ;D)




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Title: Re: The Magpie Story ³ßÄNªº¬G¨Æ
Post by Etta on May 17th, 2004, 6:58pm

on 04/24/04 at 19:03:27, ³¾¤Í¢Ï(BWA) wrote:
That ends the Magpie Story. If you come across similar opportunities in learning about the life of birds, please do share with us in the BBS. Cheers!

Dear BWA,

Thanks very much for your generous sharing.   I keep check back the story once for a while, if there are further progress of this pair, please don't mind to update us!

Happy birding,
Etta  :)

Title: Re: The Magpie Story ³ßÄNªº¬G¨Æ
Post by madsen122020 on Oct 29th, 2004, 8:37pm
;D¹ê¦b¤Ó·P¤H¤F~~­È±o¤@Ú»¦AÚ» ;D

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