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Discussion Area 討論區 >> Birding Reports & Tips 觀鳥報告及心得 >> Ng Tung Chai 梧桐寨 2004 Autumn 秋
(Message started by: M Kilburn on Sep 2nd, 2004, 10:04am)

Title: Ng Tung Chai 梧桐寨 2004 Autumn 秋
Post by M Kilburn on Sep 2nd, 2004, 10:04am
This morning at Ng Tung Chai the following birds were present:

Yellow-rumped Flycatcher - male
Hainan Blue Flycatcher - female
Mountain Tailorbird - around 5

In addition, there was a male Hainan Ble Flycatcher on Monday 30th

Not as exciting as TPK, yet . . .


Title: Re: Autumn passage at Ng Tung Chai
Post by M Kilburn on Sep 16th, 2004, 12:01am
This morning Ng Tung Chai (between village and path above top falls) had the following, suggesting a more steady passage has started:

Asian Brown Flycatcher 3
Arctic Warbler 3
Pale-legged leaf Warbler 2
Eastern Crowned Warbler 1
Mountain Tailorbird 3+
Mountain Bulbul 2


Title: Re: Autumn passage at Ng Tung Chai
Post by M Kilburn on Sep 20th, 2004, 9:09am
This morning at Ng Tung Chai (0715 - 0830) :

4 Dollarbird(on overhead wires)
3 Brown Flycatcher
5 Arctic Warbler

30 Striated Yuhina (a very odd date for a large flock of this winter species.  One bird was seen begging for food - possibly a local breeder?)

2 Grey Treepie

1 Mountain Tailorbird

Aprt from the Dollarbirds all birds were seen between the village carpark and the Man Duk Yuen Temple.


Title: Re: Autumn passage at Ng Tung Chai
Post by George_Ho on Sep 20th, 2004, 11:51pm

on 09/20/04 at 09:09:27, M Kilburn wrote:
30 Striated Yuhina (a very odd date for a large flock of this winter species.  One bird was seen begging for food - possibly a local breeder?)

Yes .... i think so... it may be one of our new local breeder. I have also seen 3 juveniles in July in Sha Tin Pass this year.

Title: Re: Autumn passage at Ng Tung Chai
Post by M Kilburn on Sep 21st, 2004, 6:38pm
This afternoon at Ng Tung Chai 14 Dollarbirds were seen on overhead wires at Ng Tung Chai around 5:30 pm.

According to the Avifauna of Hong Kong This is just two less than the Hong Kong record of 16 inTai Po Kau on 21 August, but is the highest number during the autumn migration. The previous highest record in autumn was of 12 at Aberdeen Country Park on 1 October, 1994.

Also, yesterday 7 were recorded at lunchtime, 3 more than were recorded before 9am.

Mike K

Title: Re: Autumn passage at Ng Tung Chai
Post by M Kilburn on Sep 22nd, 2004, 11:22am
A very good morning at Ng Tung Chai:

Crested Honey Buzzard 1 (dark phase tussling with Crested Honey Buzzard)
Besra 1

Dollarbird 2

Collared Scops Owl 1 (seen well in daylight)

Black-winged Cuckoo Shrike 1
Chestnut Bulbul (heard)

Siberian Blue Robin (1st winter male)

Arctic Warbler 4
Pale-legged Leaf Warbler 2
Mountain Tailorbird 3 (heard)

Dark-sided Flycatcher 1

All seen between the village and the lower falls from 0730 - 1100.


Title: Re: Autumn passage at Ng Tung Chai 梧桐寨過境直擊
Post by 路人乙 on Sep 23rd, 2004, 12:16am
Where did u spot the Collared Scops Owl?? I would like to see it ...
Thanks so much

Title: Re: Autumn passage at Ng Tung Chai 梧桐寨過境直擊
Post by M Kilburn on Sep 23rd, 2004, 12:50am
I flushed the Collared Scops owl from the side of the path.  It flew a few metres ahead and stared at me for a couple of minutes, before it flew off. I doubt it would be easy to find.

However the spot was the junction of the trails about 100m past the Mna Duk Yuen Temple.


Title: Re: Autumn passage at Ng Tung Chai 梧桐寨過境直擊
Post by 路人乙 on Sep 24th, 2004, 7:40pm
Thousand thanks!!

I will be there tomorrow. Hope I can see it  :-*

Title: Re: Autumn passage at Ng Tung Chai 梧桐寨過境直擊
Post by M Kilburn on Sep 24th, 2004, 11:22pm
This morning at Ng Tung Chai

Asian Paradise Flycatcher 1
Dark-sided Flycatcher 1
Arctic Warbler 4+
Pale-legged Leaf Warbler 1
Mtn Tailorbird 3h

Lesser Shortwing (almost 1 month earlier than revious earliest record las year).


Title: Re: Autumn passage at Ng Tung Chai 梧桐寨過境直擊
Post by M Kilburn on Oct 3rd, 2004, 10:12pm
This morning at Ng Tung Chai (8:00 - 10:00) the following birds were seen between the Man Duk Yuen Temple and the lower falls

Crested Serpent Eagle


Lesser Shortwing 1 singing

Arctic Warbler 4
Eastern Crowned Warbler 1
Mountain Tailorbird 5 (inc 2 seen)

Asian Paradise Flycatcher


Title: Re: Autumn passage at Ng Tung Chai 梧桐寨過境直擊
Post by M Kilburn on Oct 4th, 2004, 10:09pm
This morning at Ng Tung Chai:

Lesser Shortwing 3  (1 seen 2 heard)

Eastern Crowned Warbler - 1
Pale-legged Leaf Warbler - 1
Arctic Warbler - 4
Mountain Tailorbird - 5

Sooty Flycatcher - 2
Brown Flycatcher - 1
Japanese Paradise Flyatcher - 1 (also yesterday, instead of Asian Para)

Grey Treepie - 2

Also yesterday (forgot to include):

White-browed Fantail- 1
Grey-cheked Fulvetta - 4


Title: Re: 2004 Autumn passage at Ng Tung Chai 梧桐寨過境
Post by M Kilburn on Oct 12th, 2004, 10:35pm
This morning at Ng Tung Chai:

Short-tailed Bush Warbler - 2 (first of the autumn here)
Dusky Warbler - 1
Arctic Warbler - 1
Eastern Crowned Warbler - 1
Mountain Tailorbird - 1

Blue-and-white Flycatcher - 1 (first of the autumn here)
Asian Paradise Flycatcher - 1
Asian Brown Flycatcher - 1

Pygmy Wren Babbler - 1h
Grey-cheeked Fulvetta - 1


Title: Re: 2004 Autumn passage at Ng Tung Chai 梧桐寨過境
Post by madsen122020 on Oct 13th, 2004, 6:41pm
I want to know the Chinese name ofthis two birds:

Pygmy Wren Babbler
Grey-cheeked Fulvetta

I can't find it in "A Photographic Guide to the birds of Hong Kong"

Title: Re: 2004 Autumn passage at Ng Tung Chai 梧桐寨過境
Post by Webcreeper on Oct 13th, 2004, 8:40pm
You can find them in Birds of Hong Kong and South China:

Pygmy Wren Babbler  小鷦[眉鳥]

Grey-cheeked Fulvetta 白眶雀[眉鳥]

Title: Re: 2004 Autumn passage at Ng Tung Chai 梧桐寨過境
Post by madsen122020 on Oct 13th, 2004, 10:23pm
Thanks Webcreeper!! :D

Title: Re: 2004 Autumn passage at Ng Tung Chai 梧桐寨過境
Post by M Kilburn on Oct 18th, 2004, 10:28am
This morning at Ng Tung Chai between 0700 and 0840:

Orange-headed Ground Thrush
Crested Honey Buzzard (pale juvenile) - first record for Ng Tung Chai

other migrants/winter visitors

Yellow-browed Warbler (first one here this winter)
Short-tailed Bush Warbler - 1
Lesser Shortwing - 2 singing


Greater Neckalced LaughingThrush - 9
Hair crested Drongo - 2

These species were mobbing a medium or large-sized raptor, which was not seen clearly.

Other residents:

Pygmy Wren Babbler - 2 singing
Mounain Tailorbird - 4+ singing

Mike K

Title: Re: 2004 Autumn passage at Ng Tung Chai 梧桐寨過境
Post by M Kilburn on Oct 18th, 2004, 10:30am
My mistake :

Orange-headed Ground Thrush is the first record for Ng Tung Chai


Mike K

Title: Re: 2004 Autumn passage at Ng Tung Chai 梧桐寨過境
Post by Mike Kilburn on Nov 19th, 2004, 6:03pm
After a long break due to technical failure on my part, edited highlights of records at Ng Tung Chai in the last month:

Lesser Shortwing: Up to 4 singing males (4 a new high count for HK)
Red-tailed Robin: 1 record
Daurian Redstart: 1 male in residence since 2 Nov + 1 female
Chinese Blackbird: Up to 75 birds

Mountain Tailorbird: Up to 5 birds every visit
Pallas' Leaf Warbler: 3 records on 2 days from mid Nov
Radde's/Yellow-streaked Warbler - 1 record (no call)
Asian Stubtail: up to 2 birds (scarce this year so far)

Blue-and-white Flycatcher: 2 records
Mugimaki Flycatcher: 2 records
Grey-headed Flycatcher: 1 record
Verditer Flycatcher: 2 records
Japanese Paradise Flycatcher: 1 record

Yellow-cheeked Tit: 1 record  (rare at NTC)

Blue Magpie: 1 or 2 on 3-4 dates late Oct - early Nov

Little Bunting: 1 or 2 near the village

Striated Yuhina: 30 in 1 flock mid Nov
Pygmy Wren Babbler: 1 or 2 singing most visits

and nearby in Lam Tsuen:

Imperial Eagle: adult on 16th Nov at She Shan being mobbed by Peregrine
Collared Crow: 2 at same site at same time - v rare in Lam Tsuen

There's probably more, but I can' remember them right now.


Title: Re: 2004 Autumn passage at Ng Tung Chai 梧桐寨過境
Post by Mike Kilburn on Nov 24th, 2004, 10:31pm
This morning the following birds were seen in Ng Tung Chai between 0730 and 1030:

Japanese Robin (female - very brief views)
Lesser Shortwing (4 - all heard)
Daurian Redstart (male in the village and female nr Man Duk Yuen Gateway)

Mountain Bush Warbler -1
Asian Stubtail - 3
Russet Bush Warbler (singing, not seen)
Mountain Tailorbird (2 out of 5 or 6 seen)

Black-naped Monarch (a perfect male! - fantastic)
Grey-headed Flycatcher (heard only)

Golden spectacled Warbler sp. ( one wingbar, very uniform yellow, poorly defined super with no hint of grey, paler lores - 3 second views only)

This is the second-earliest Japanese Robin record - the earliest was one trapped at KARC on 20th Nov, but the Black-naped Monarch was bird of the day.


Title: Re: 2004 Autumn passage at Ng Tung Chai 梧桐寨過境
Post by Mike Kilburn on Nov 26th, 2004, 6:29pm
This morning at Ng Tung Chai between 0715 and 0930:

Lesser Shortwing 3

Blyth's Leaf Wabler - 1
"goodsoni"-type  Leaf Warbler - 1
Russet Bush Warbler
Mtn Tailorbird 2

Yellow-cheeked Tit (2) rare here
Buff-bellied Flowerpecker (also rare here)

+ Bird waves of various babblers and minivets


Title: Re: 2004 Autumn passage at Ng Tung Chai 梧桐寨過境
Post by Mike Kilburn on Nov 29th, 2004, 12:59am
This morning at Ng Tung Chai beween 0715 and 1230:

White's Thrush - 2
Red-flanked Bluetail - 1
"goodsoni" Blyth's Leaf Warbler

First of both of thee at NTC this winter

Also the usual wintering birds.



Title: Re: 2004 Autumn passage at Ng Tung Chai 梧桐寨過境
Post by Mike Kilburn on Dec 1st, 2004, 7:55pm
On Weds 30th Nov an Asian Paradise Flycatcher was seen with a large mixed flock about 500m past the Man Duk Yuen Temple at around 10 am.

Winter records are very rare in HK - according to the Avifauna of Hong Kong this is just the second since 1988.

Other birds of interest:

Common Buzzard - 1

Japanese Thrush  2 males - so far, this is a very poor year for common thrushes

Mountain Bush Warbler - h
Ruset Bush Warbler - h
Manchurian Bush Warbler - seen from my balcony!

Grey-headed Flycatcher - 2

Blue Magpie - 2

Title: Re: 2004 Autumn passage at Ng Tung Chai 梧桐寨過境
Post by Mike Kilburn on Dec 6th, 2004, 8:35am
Over the last three days the following birds have been seen at Ng Tung Chai:

Striated Heron (adult - top falls)

Orange-bellied Leafbird - male

Japanese Robin - female (700m above the temple)
Red-tailed Robin - 1
Lesser Shortwing - up to 4 (inc 1 below the village)
Red-flanked Bluetail - 2
Daurian Redstart - 2 (male in village, one female below)

Pale Thrush -1
Grey-backed Thrush - 1
Japanese Thrush - 1
Chinese Blackbird - 1

Blyth's Leaf Warbler - 2
Pallas' Leaf Warbler - up to 5 daily
Yellow-browed Warbler - up to 3 daily
Mountain Bush Warbler - 1
Russet Bush Warbler - 1 singing

Grey-headed Flycatcher - 2

White-bellied Yuhina - 1


Title: Re: 2004 Autumn passage at Ng Tung Chai 梧桐寨過境
Post by Mike Kilburn on Dec 12th, 2004, 11:12pm
This morning at Ng Tung Chai the following birds were seen between 8:30 and 10:30 between the village and 700 m past the Man Duk Yuen Temple.

Lesser Shortwing - 1 singing
White's Thrush - 1
Black-naped Monarch - 1 male
White-throated Fantail - 1


Title: Re: 2004 Autumn passage at Ng Tung Chai 梧桐寨過境
Post by Koel_Ko on Dec 15th, 2004, 4:57am
Dear Mike,
Is the fantail considered as wild in hong kong now, as it is regularly wintering?

Title: Re: 2004 Autumn passage at Ng Tung Chai 梧桐寨過境
Post by Mike Kilburn on Dec 15th, 2004, 10:32am
This morning at Ng Tung Chai the following birds were seen between 7:30 and 10:30 am

Black-naped Monarch - 1
Grey-headed Flycatcher - 1

Blyth's Leaf Warbler - 1
Mountain Bush Warbler - 1

Lesser Shortwing -2 h
Siberian Rubythroat - 1

Pygmy Wren Babbler 1h

Grey Treepie - 1

Curiously no MountainTailorbirds were seen or heard.

Also  Barking Deer was seen and a Porcupine released unharmed from a cage trap.

In response to Koel's question the fantail is still considerd to be an escape - just one individual is involved in all the sightings.


Title: Re: 2004 Autumn passage at Ng Tung Chai 梧桐寨過境
Post by Mike Kilburn on Dec 20th, 2004, 11:33pm
Sunday morning 19th Dec the following birds were seen at Ng Tung Chai:

Slaty-backed Forktail - 1
Lesser Shortwing - 1
Japanese Robin - 1

(These three all seen By Graham Talbot and Chris Campion - not me)

Black-naped Monarch - 1
Grey-headed Flycatcher - 2

Mountain Bush Warbler - 1

White-bellied Yuhina - 1

Yellow-cheeked Tit - 1
Velve-fronted Nuthatch - 1 (only my second here this year!)

Mike K

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