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Discussion Area °Q½×°Ï >> Birding Reports & Tips Æ[³¾³ø§i¤Î¤ß±o >> Long Valley Üñ­ì 2004 Autumn ¬î
(Message started by: M Kilburn on Sep 25th, 2004, 1:28pm)

Title: Long Valley Üñ­ì 2004 Autumn ¬î
Post by M Kilburn on Sep 25th, 2004, 1:28pm
This morning at Long Valley there was some evidence of migration:

Common Kestrel - 3
Unidentified Falcon - 1
Japanese Sparrowhawk - 1
unidentified accipiter - 1

Red-throated Pipit - 1

Dusky Warbler - 3
Zitting Cisticola - 3

Black Drongo - 20


Title: Re: Autumn passage at Long Valley Üñ­ìªº¹L¹Ò®È«È
Post by John Holmes on Oct 2nd, 2004, 7:26pm
October 1, 2004

Great Egret (flying)  x 200 +
Little Egret x 1
Cattle Egret x 3
Long-tailed Shrike x 3
Zitting Cisticola x 2
Common Snipe x 8
Snipes x 2
Yellow-browed Bunting x 1
Eurasian Wryneck x 1
Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler x1
Dusky Warlber x 2
Scaly-breasted Munia x 10
Common Kingfisher x 1
Black Drongo x 8

October 2, 2004

Great Egret ?x 2
Little Egret x 1
Cattle Egret x 9
Wood Sandpiper x 3
Watercock x 1
Long-tailed Shrike x 4
Zitting Cisticola x 2
Common Snipe x 4
Snipes x 1
Yellow-browed Bunting x 1
Eurasian Wryneck x 1
Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler x1
Dusky Warlber x 1
Common Kingfisher x 1
Black-capped Kingfisher x 1
Black Drongo x 5
Sooty-headed Bulbul x 3
Stonechat x 3
Scaly-breasted Munia x 20

Title: Re: Autumn passage at Long Valley Üñ­ìªº¹L¹Ò®È«È
Post by Uncle_Tall on Oct 2nd, 2004, 7:39pm
We missed the watercock today. We managed to see a few yellow and white wagtails and much more black drongo at noon time.

Title: Re: Autumn passage at Long Valley
Post by John Holmes on Oct 2nd, 2004, 8:20pm
The Watercock was seen in the early morning.
It was in one of the wet ponds with vegetation round the sides,  
which are beyond the two (or three) side by side Lotus Ponds starting from Yin Kong Tsuen.

That was also where the Yellow-browed Bunting was seen.


Title: Re: Autumn passage at Long Valley Üñ-쪺1L1ҮȫÈ
Post by Owlet-nightjar on Oct 8th, 2004, 9:06am
Date: Oct 8, 2004 06:45 to 08:00

Great Egret 5
Little Egret      2
Cattle Egret      3
Chinese Pond Heron      10
Common Snipe      12
Snipe      5
White-breasted Waterhen      5
Black-winged Stilt      4
Little Ringed Plover      3
Common Greenshank      4
Wood Sandpiper      7
Common Sandpiper      2
Spotted Dove      6
White-throated Kingfisher      1
Black-capped Kingfisher      1
Common Kingfisher      2
Eurasian Wryneck      2
Yellow Wagtail      8
White Wagtail      5
Richard’s Pipit      3
Red-throated Pipit      14
Long-tailed Shrike      4
Common Stonechat 7
Black-browed Reed Warbler      1
Oriental Reed Warbler      5
Zitting Cisticola      6
Plain Prinia      2
Dusky Warbler      8
Yellow-breasted Bunting      3
Scaly-breasted Munia      15
Black-collared Starling      25
Crested Myna      10
Black Drongo      4
Common Magpie      3
Large-billed Crow      1
Collared Crow      1

Title: Re: Autumn passage at Long Valley Üñ­ìªº¹L¹Ò®È«È
Post by Captain on Oct 8th, 2004, 9:15am
I saw more than five Painted Snipes in the mitigated lotus pond near the bridge leading to the "bean curd - to fu" factory on 1 Oct.

They walked away (instead of flying), together with other snipes,  from I was taking photos. Very funny

Title: Re: 2004 Autumn passage at Long Valley Üñ­ìªº¹L¹Ò®
Post by Lynx on Oct 22nd, 2004, 10:21pm
An Eurasian Wryneck was seen at Long Valley today (22 Oct 2004)

Title: Re: 2004 Autumn passage at Long Valley Üñ­ìªº¹L¹Ò®
Post by Koel_Ko on Oct 25th, 2004, 10:27pm
Today (25-10-04) at Long Valley:
Black-browed Reed Warbler
Painted Snipe
20+ Fantail Snipe
30+ Red-throated Pipit
2+ Yellow-breasted Bunting
2+ Chestnut-eared Bunting
Hoopoe (I missed it)
Good birding!

Title: Re: 2004 Autumn passage at Long Valley Üñ­ìªº¹L¹Ò®
Post by bond on Oct 29th, 2004, 6:46pm
29/10 at Long Valley:

chestnut bunting (1 female)
Yellow-breasted bunting
chestnut-eared buntung
masked bunting
common buzzard
oriental pratincole
eurasian wryneck
painted snipe (female X 2, male X 4)

a great afternoon in Long Valley for me ;D

Title: Re: 2004 Autumn passage at Long Valley Üñ­ìªº¹L¹Ò®
Post by madsen122020 on Oct 29th, 2004, 8:06pm
;DIt is a good time for you,bond ;D

Title: Re: 2004 Autumn passage at Long Valley Üñ-쪺1L1Ò®
Post by Owlet-nightjar on Nov 12th, 2004, 6:28pm
Nov 12, 2004

018      A      Little Egret x 2
116      A      Little Ringed Plover x 11
279      A      Long-tailed Shrike x 4
236      A      Eurasian Hoopoe x 2
230      A      White-throated Kingfisher x 2
229      A      Common Kingfisher x3
231      A      Black-capped Kingfisher
261      A      Red-throated Pipit x 3
406      A      Yellow-breasted Bunting x 4
401      A      Chestnut-eared Bunting x 2
402      A      Little Bunting x 1
259      A      Richard’s Pipit x 2
144      A      Common Snipe x 7
106      A      Greater Painted-snipe x 2
103      A      Common Moorhen x 5
080      A      Common Buzzard x 1
303      A      Common Blackbird x 11
448      A      Collared Crow x 3
444      A      Common Magpie x 5
207      A      Plaintive Cuckoo x1
258      A      White Wagtail x 12+
255      A      Yellow Wagtail x 15+
421      A      Scaly-breasted Munia x 30+
292      A      Common Stonechat x 7
340      A      Oriental Reed Warbler x 1
349      A      Dusky Warbler x 8
136      A      Common Sandpiper x 2
436      A      Crested Myna x 20+
343      A      Zitting Cisticola x 2
134      A      Wood Sandpiper x 4
016      A      Great Egret x 3
427      A      Red-billed Starling x 10+
270      A      Red-whiskered Bulbul x 5
432      A      White-cheeked Starling x 2
021      A      Cattle Egret x 2
272      A      Sooty-headed Bulbul x 2
438      A      Black Drongo x 1
424      A      Eurasian Tree Sparrow x 40


Title: Re: 2004 Autumn passage at Long Valley Üñ­ìªº¹L¹Ò? size=
Post by fAiL on Nov 16th, 2004, 7:51pm
Long Valley  16thNov,04
-Pintail / Swinhoe's Snipe
-Plaintive Cuckoo (juvenile)
-Eurasian Wryneck
-Chestunt-eared Bunting
-Red-billed Starling x 27

Photo of  Eurasian Wryneck today in Long Valley:
(not very clear...please don't mind on it)

Title: Re: 2004 Autumn passage at Long Valley Üñ­ìªº¹L¹Ò®
Post by Ken on Nov 21st, 2004, 6:54pm

White-Breasted Waterhen x 1
Painted Snipe x 2
Common Snipe x 6
Richard's Pipit x 3
Olive-Backed Pipit x 5
White-Cheeked Starling x 1
Scaly-Breasted Munia x 40

A good afternoon.

Title: Re: 2004 Autumn passage at Long Valley Üñ­ìªº¹L¹Ò®
Post by fAiL on Dec 12th, 2004, 8:39pm
This afternoon in Long Vally...

-Eurasian Hoopoe À¹³Ó x2  
-Eurasian Wryneck ÃÆï¥
-Bluethroat ÂÅÂIè¸
-White-throated Kingfisher ¥Õ¯Ý»B»A
-Long-tailed Shrike (dark morph) ¶Â§B³Ò
...and many common birds...

some photos of today:

Title: Re: 2004 Autumn passage at Long Valley Üñ­ìªº¹L¹Ò®
Post by Forrest FONG on Dec 12th, 2004, 11:25pm
Hi fAiL,

Thank you for telling us the birds seen at Long Valley.
I believe you have a fruitful trip this afternoon at Long Valley.

Forrest 8)

P.S. - Please note that photos stored at Yahoo could not be shared at the BBS. Please take a look of my previous message:- Please stop using ( (;action=display;num=1077555744)

Title: Re: 2004 Autumn passage at Long Valley Üñ­ìªº¹L¹Ò®
Post by fAiL on Dec 13th, 2004, 12:35am
thx for Forrest FONG notice...
i will find another way to post my photos here  ;)

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