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Special Topics ¯S§O¥DÃD >> Black-eared Kite »ð(³ÂÆN) >> Black Kite Watching @ HKMCD 28/11/04 ®ü¨¾³Õª«À]Æ[»ð°O
(Message started by: me_domchan on Nov 28th, 2004, 8:55pm)

Title: Black Kite Watching @ HKMCD 28/11/04 ®ü¨¾³Õª«À]Æ[»ð°O
Post by me_domchan on Nov 28th, 2004, 8:55pm
Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defense.
EOS 10D, 400/5.6, 1.4X, 2X, cropping

A group of 10 birders, under the lead of Miss Etta Hui, visited Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defense today. The purpose of the visit was, of course, BLACK KITES!!!  ;D ;D

I think it is better to leave the more technical part of the birding report to Etta, I will just share some shots taken today. Thanks to all the birders who spotted the target for me.  :D :D :D

#1 Common Buzzard

#2 White Bellied Sea Eagle !  :o :o

#3 Black Kite...(Target of the day)
Soaring low in the sky.....

#4  Flying over the sea.

#5 A Sparrowhawk?

When we were about to leave, several black kites were spotted on the roof of near by building. Suddenly....

#6  A collared crow attacked the kites!

#7 The kites finally drove away the crow and enjoyed a meal on a satellite antenna.

#8 Or simply standing.....(a juvenile!?)


Birds record of the day:
Black Kites
Common Buzzard x 1
White Bellied Sea Eagle  x 1
Sparrowhawk (?) x 1
Fork Tailed Sunbird x 2  (they greeted us in the morning!)
Collared Crow
White wagtail
Common Sandpiper
Little Egret
Pacific Reef Egret
Black-billed Magpie
Crested Myna

;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Black Kite Watching @ HKMCD 28/11/04 ®ü¨¾³Õª«&#655
Post by Etta on Nov 30th, 2004, 12:24am
Thanks Dominic for the really great 'first minute' photographs sharing and made effort on the bird data.  I just want to add one bird species to the list which was seen by Billy: a Common Kingfisher.

I'd also received photographs sharing from Mr. & Mrs. Lau and Patrick yesterday night (after the tour), I was really touched.  Soooo happy to Kite-watching with you all and I am looking forward for another one! Hehee...  ;D

Here I share the photographs of the Kite-watching tour as below, enjoy~  :)
This is me, photographed by the 3-year-old Chun Chun.   ;D  ;D

Title: Re:Black Kite Watching@HKMCD 28/11/04®ü¨¾³Õª«À]Æ[»ð°O
Post by Etta on Nov 30th, 2004, 12:51am
28 Nov. 2004, Black Kite-watching at HK Meseum of Coastal Defence ®ü¨¾³Õª«À]Æ[»ð°O

Weather: Sunny, Temperture 18.4 - 22.9 C, Relative humidity 54 - 79 %.
At the entrance of the main building of the HK Museum of Coastal Defence.
A cloudless day with good visibility was great for Kite (and raptor) watching!
By the shore, there was a place where Black Kites flew in and stayed for a long while, it was the location of a a temple which could only be access by boat. One time, soon as a Common Buzzard flew in, there burst out a few Kites!
A Little Egret with a fish, flew on the harbour.
In the afternoon, we enjoyed the 'show time' of the Black Kites, WBSE and a Sparrowhawk(?).
We had great chances to take Black Kite photographs!
In this Kite-watching tour, it's funny that almost every time we wanted to leave a 'no-bird' location in the museum, the birds appeared. ;D

In the afternoon, when we were 'really' leaving the museum and most of us had already entered the lift, through the window of the lift lobby, Dominic and Lisa spotted the Kites and the Collared Crow roosted on the big 'dishes' on the roof of the opposite building. The leaving us then had all came back to Kite-watching again.  

Finally, one by one, we poured our binoculars, cameras and telescopes from our bags and enjoyed the watching of an exciting 'Kite story' which happened in the City. (To be continued...)

Etta  :)

Title: Re:Black Kite Watching@HKMCD 28/11/04®ü¨¾³Õª«À]Æ[»ð°O
Post by Etta on Dec 3rd, 2004, 11:02pm
Thanks for the photographs sharing from Dominic, Mr. Lau, Lisa and Patrick. Observed through the windows of the HKMCD lift lobby, we saw one of the two Kites ate a fish for more than ten minutes. During the time, another Kite interacted with a Collared crow and a few Magpies gathered and left occasionally. There were a third Kite, roosted on the roof of another building too!  :D
Yet we have enjoyed the Kite watching till the last minute of this tour, hehee.  ;D

Etta :D

Title: Re: Black Kite Watching @ HKMCD 28/11/04 ®ü¨¾³Õª«À
Post by Etta on Dec 8th, 2004, 5:31pm
Here also attached the tour information for reference:
[Notice]Kite Watching at Museum Of Coastal Defence Æ[»ð®ü¨¾³Õª«À];action=display;num=1101201092

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