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Discussion Area °Q½×°Ï >> Conservation ¦ÛµM«O¨| >> "FALCO" MEFRG's Newsletter ¤¤ªF²r¸V¬ã¨s²Õ´³q°T
(Message started by: HKBWS Project on Nov 30th, 2005, 9:41am)

Title: "FALCO" MEFRG's Newsletter ¤¤ªF²r¸V¬ã¨s²Õ´³q°T
Post by HKBWS Project on Nov 30th, 2005, 9:41am
Dear all,

It's a pleasure to note that the last double number of The Newsletter of the Middle East Falcon Research Group (MEFRG) - "FALCO" is published and available for downloading at:

as well as all previous numbers of this Newsletter.

Its tables of contents are pasted below.

3. Editorial.
5. Falcon Population Estimates: how necessary and accurate are they?
9. Saker Falcons in north-east Africa.
10. A workshop for Saker Falcon field teams (28th February to 4th March 2005).
12. The Peregrine Falcon in Turkmenistan.
16. The Project for Falcon Conservation. Breeding Techniques, Health Management and Conservation Value of the First and largest UAE Falcon Breeding Centre under Artificial Conditions.
18. Avian influenza virus - A potential threat to falcons in the Middle East.
20. Pharmaceutical drug ‘Diclofenac? that caused the Gyps vulture decline in South Asia, now banned in India.
22. First Aid For Falcons in Training and Hunting.
24. Urinalysis in Falconidae.
26. Assessment of the Platelia Aspergillus EIA Test in the Diagnosis of Aspergillosis in Falcons.
27. Letters to the Editor.
30. Announcements for Falco.
32. What is new in the literature.

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