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Discussion Area °Q½×°Ï >> Conservation ¦ÛµM«O¨| >> Fruit bats caught in mist nets at Ho Chung Ä®¯F¤j±O±þ
(Message started by: HKBWS Project on Jan 4th, 2006, 11:46am)

Title: Fruit bats caught in mist nets at Ho Chung Ä®¯F¤j±O±þ
Post by HKBWS Project on Jan 4th, 2006, 11:46am
Photo by Mike Kilburn

20-30 bats were found dead along with a Crested Mynah, a Chinese Bulbul and several other small birds. A Chinese bulbul wqs also released unharmed.











Title: Re: Fruit bats caught in mist nets at Ho Chung
Post by ²`ÂÅ Owen on Jan 4th, 2006, 11:48am

Title: Re: Fruit bats caught in mist nets at Ho Chung Ä®¯
Post by LUN on Jan 4th, 2006, 2:08pm

Title: Re: Fruit bats caught in mist nets at Ho Chung Ä®¯
Post by Andrew on Jan 4th, 2006, 2:13pm
Mike, thanks a lot for following up on this. The number of bats ensnared is amazing and very disturbing. I don't know how the locals reacted to the intervention but whatever the reaction I am pleased this has been stopped. I suspect I may be better off keeping a low profile for a while. Good result though. Well done


Title: Re: Fruit bats caught in mist nets at Ho Chung Ä®¯
Post by ck151062 on Jan 4th, 2006, 2:34pm
I have reported to the AFCD yesterday of the Mist nets and I received the message from Mr. Wong AFCD this morning.

I received the message from Mr. Wong AFCD this morning.

Dear Mr. Chan,

  Thank you for your information. We also received the same complaint from staff of KFBG today. Please be informed that our Nature Wardens have seized 7 pieces of mist net each of 20m to 30m in length. One bird was released. No one claimed to be responsible on site and our Nature Warden provided advice to people nearby on how to protect their agricultural products, which would not harm wild birds and bats. We also advised them to use nets with thicker strings and put them horizontally in order to protect crops.


C. L. Wong

I hope it has been settle down. I will keep watching on this and update it in the future.



Title: Re: Fruit bats caught in mist nets at Ho Chung Ä®¯
Post by ³¾¤Í¢Ï(BWA) on Jan 4th, 2006, 6:03pm
I also saw some horizontal nets in my last visit on 15/12/05. I thought they were alright so I only reported the big vertical one further up the valley to AFCD. On the following day, AFCD called me for directions to get to the site. They told me afterwards that the reported net had been cleared. From the above photos it seems that more vertical nets had been erected since then.

It's really disturbing to see so many bats and birds killed by these nets! :'(


®`¦º¨º»ò¦h½¿½»©M³¾¡A¯u¥O¤Hµh¤ß¡I :'(

Title: Re: Fruit bats caught in mist nets at Ho Chung
Post by Sze on Jan 4th, 2006, 9:31pm

on 01/04/06 at 11:48:15, ²`ÂÅ Owen wrote:


Title: Re: Fruit bats caught in mist nets at Ho Chung Ä®¯
Post by Captain on Jan 6th, 2006, 11:39am
Acting upon a referred case from the Government, members of Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden visited a flower farm at Ho Chung yesterday and advised them to protect their market flowers env-friendly.

The farmer said he will adopt some and will never try to use mist-net again.

Nevertheless, pls keep reporting any mist-nets to the authority concerned. It will help to save a lot of bird / bat lives.


Title: Re: Fruit bats caught in mist nets at Ho Chung Ä®¯
Post by Bob Thompson on Jan 6th, 2006, 4:53pm
Thanks Captain, KFBG are doing there usual good work

Title: Re: Fruit bats caught in mist nets at Ho Chung Ä®¯
Post by Webcreeper on Jan 22nd, 2006, 5:38am
22/1/06 Ä«ªG Apple Daily
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Photo taken by Mike Kilburn

The incident is reported on Apple Daily today. 7 pieces of 20mx30m mist nets were found.

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Title: Re: Fruit bats caught in mist nets at Ho Chung Ä®¯
Post by Andrew on Jan 22nd, 2006, 9:19am
Hi Webcreeper. I can't read this but can you tell me whether this was before or after the recent visits by AFCD and Kadoorie? Thanks a lot


Title: Re: Fruit bats caught in mist nets at Ho Chung Ä®¯
Post by Webcreeper on Jan 22nd, 2006, 2:47pm
Hi Andrew,

The report on today's newspaper recounts findings from KFBG's visit and follow-up work by AFCD (7 pieces of mist nets were removed but no one could be held responsible).


Title: Re: Fruit bats caught in mist nets at Ho Chung Ä®¯
Post by Andrew on Jan 22nd, 2006, 8:40pm
Thanks very much Webcreeper. Glad to see its not a new incident.

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