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Discussion Area 討論區 >> General 一般問題 >> Photos wanted for publication
(Message started by: Geoff Carey on Aug 24th, 2003, 12:48pm)

Title: Photos wanted for publication
Post by Geoff Carey on Aug 24th, 2003, 12:48pm
My friend, Richard Crossley, is producing a photographic guide to shorebirds, and is looking for quality photos of a variety of species. For each image published, a fee of $30 will be paid.

The guide is different in that not only will it include the usual side-on close-up portraits, but will also include shots of birds in a mixed group of other species, of birds in their typical habitat and also of birds in flight. For the former two in particular, that means they do not have to be frame-filling. Both digital and slide photos are welcome.

The following Asian species are required:

Northern Lapwing     Vanellus vanellus
Black-bellied Plover    Pluvialis squatarola
Pacific Golden-Plover    Pluvialis fulva
Mongolian Plover     Charadrius mongolus
Greater Sand Plover    Charadrius leschenaultii
Little Ringed Plover     Charadrius dubius
ommon Greenshank    Tringa nebularia
Marsh Sandpiper    Tringa stagnatilis
Common Redshank    Tringa totanus
Spotted Redshank     Tringa erythropus
Wood Sandpiper     Tringa glareola
Green Sandpiper     Tringa ochropus
Gray-tailed Tattler     Heteroscelus brevipes
Common Sandpiper    Actitis hypoleucos
Terek Sandpiper     Xenus cinereus
Little Curlew      Numenius minutus
Whimbrel      Numenius phaeopus
Far Eastern Curlew     Numenius madagascariensis
Eurasian Curlew     Numenius arquata
Black-tailed Godwit     Limosa limosa
Bar-tailed Godwit     Limosa lapponica
Ruddy Turnstone     Arenaria interpres
Great Knot      Calidris tenuirostris
Red Knot      Calidris canutus
Sanderling      Calidris alba
Red-necked Stint     Calidris ruficollis
Little Stint      Calidris minuta
Temminck's Stint     Calidris temminckii
Long-toed Stint     Calidris subminuta
Pectoral Sandpiper     Calidris melanotos
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper    Calidris acuminata
Dunlin      Calidris alpina
Curlew Sandpiper     Calidris ferruginea
Spoonbill Sandpiper    Eurynorhynchus pygmaeus
Broad-billed Sandpiper    Limicola falcinellus
Ruff       Philomachus pugnax
Long-billed Dowitcher    Limnodromus scolopaceus
Common Snipe     Gallinago gallinago
Pin-tailed Snipe     Gallinago stenura
Eurasian Woodcock    Scolopax rusticola
Red-necked Phalarope    Phalaropus lobatus

If you have something you would like to contribute, please contact Richard direct at:

Geoff Carey

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