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Special Topics ¯S§O¥DÃD >> Wild Birds & Avian Flu ³¥³¾»P¸V¬y·P >> Close MPNR  Ãö³¬¦Ì®H¦ÛµM«OÅ@°Ï
(Message started by: Owen on Jan 30th, 2004, 11:44am)

Title: Close MPNR  Ãö³¬¦Ì®H¦ÛµM«OÅ@°Ï
Post by Owen on Jan 30th, 2004, 11:44am
Mr Yeo quote on Press conference, close MPNR according to H5N1 (well, why don't they close TBT either)

Can anybody please help to clarify that we the people who got permit are count as public also? Or we can enter MPNR still???


Title: Re: Close MPNR  Ãö³¬¦Ì®H¦ÛµM«OÅ@°Ï
Post by Forrest FONG on Jan 30th, 2004, 3:08pm

on 01/30/04 at 11:44:38, Owen wrote:
Can anybody please help to clarify that we the people who got permit are count as public also? Or we can enter MPNR still???

Noboby can enter Mai PO Nature Reserve including those who got the permit. :'(

Forrest :(

Title: Re: Close MPNR  Ãö³¬¦Ì®H¦ÛµM«OÅ@°Ï
Post by Owen on Jan 30th, 2004, 3:39pm

Title: Re: Close MPNR  Ãö³¬¦Ì®H¦ÛµM«OÅ@°Ï
Post by Lew Young on Jan 30th, 2004, 3:41pm
Dear All,

The latest news we have is that Mai Po will be closed from an indefinate period starting from 31 January 2004. All Mai Po Entry Permit holders will be excluded from the reserve except for staff of the reserve who will be allowed in.

I understand that AFCD are preparing a longer statement on the issue and I will try and pass this on as soon as we have received it. Otherwise, I hope that AFCD can post the information directly on this BBS.

Lew Young
Mai Po Nature Reserve

Title: Re: Close MPNR  Ãö³¬¦Ì®H¦ÛµM«OÅ@°Ï
Post by Owen on Jan 30th, 2004, 3:46pm
Many THANKS~~!!!

Title: Re: Close MPNR  Ãö³¬¦Ì®H¦ÛµM«OÅ@°Ï
Post by Concerned Birdwatcher on Jan 30th, 2004, 10:30pm
The decision to close MPNR is quite the most ludicrous decision this government has made. It defies belief that Mai Po is closed but markets selling chickens kept cooped up in serried ranks of cages remain open. It is in these places that the virus jumps the species barrier from chickens to humans, not at Mai Po.

Quite what risk does the government think the birds at MP pose? When do birdwatchers, never mind the general public, ever come into contact with birds at a level sufficiently close to transmit bird flu? I certainly don't generally come nearer than 15m from most waterbirds. And I certainly don't put my finger into bird faeces and lick them!

If migratory birds are such a problem, then the government should be closing all country parks, all special areas, all public parks, the whole of the fishpond area of Deep Bay, Tsim Bei fact, any area where migratory birds are present. And that is almost everywhere outside of core urban areas.

This decision smacks of 'knee-jerkism', and a desire to be seen to be doing SOMETHING, while at the same time ensuring that that something causes minimum inconvenience to the government. It is also compensation for slaughtering chickens, and no mainland authorities to get angry when imports are banned.

This decision also sends completely the wrong message to the public about wild birds. Instead of encouraging people to value them as part of our natural heritage, it simply makes people see them as disease vectors, and therefore dangerous, and therefore to be shunned and persecuted.

All in all, a ridiculous, unnecessary and positively stupid decision !

Title: Re: Close MPNR  Ãö³¬¦Ì®H¦ÛµM«OÅ@°Ï
Post by bjingbar on Jan 30th, 2004, 11:02pm
This one action by the government, the closure of MPNR, has ruined the years of hardwork by all NGO's who are devoted to the promotion of migratory birds.

It is now going to be very difficult for NGO's and environmentalists to convince the public on the importance of wetlands.

The general public are now only going to see wetlands as useless marsh areas that hold large amounts of wild "disease carrying" birds.

Title: Re: Close MPNR  Ãö³¬¦Ì®H¦ÛµM«OÅ@°Ï
Post by Mr X on Jan 30th, 2004, 11:32pm
A very non-sense decision. There is no evidence that "migratory birds" can disperse bird flu.

Why not close chicken farms and Park N shops? Why Mai Po?

I believe I can get H5N1 at fishponds near Mai Po if "migratory birds" there are dispersal agents.

Should we close all country parks as the terrestrial "migratory birds" also visit these popular places?

In fact, "migratory birds" colonise all over HK in winter and autumn. Pls note that some populations of the commonest Chinese and Crested Bulbuls are migratory. How can we escape these birds that living together with us closely????

Too emotional!!

Title: Re: Close MPNR  Ãö³¬¦Ì®H¦ÛµM«OÅ@°Ï
Post by Owen on Jan 30th, 2004, 11:43pm
I'm thinking about "San Po Kong river" (·s»Z±^)   :D :D :D

Title: Re: Close MPNR  Ãö³¬¦Ì®H¦ÛµM«OÅ@°Ï
Post by KK Hui on Feb 1st, 2004, 4:02pm
Very well said, Concerned Birdwatcher and bjingbar!!!  ;D

The decision to close MPNR is more of a political move than anything else in my opinion. The government, the highly paid officials, need to be seen reacting to do something, right?!  ::) ;D ::)

Let's hope that the whole thing will go away in no time ...


Title: Re: Close MPNR  Ãö³¬¦Ì®H¦ÛµM«OÅ@°Ï
Post by Lew Young on Feb 2nd, 2004, 11:34am
Dear All,

The announcement from the Environment, Transport and Works Bureau is that Mai Po will be temporarily closed from 31 January until 29 February as a precautionary measure.

The full text of their press release can be found on the website of the ETWB

I will try and give updates as soon as we receive them from government.

Regards, Lew

Title: Re: Close MPNR  Ãö³¬¦Ì®H¦ÛµM«OÅ@°Ï
Post by Forrest FONG on Feb 2nd, 2004, 1:21pm

Thanks for the updates.
We all hope that Mai Po Nature Reserve can be re-opened asap. :-[


Forrest :(

Title: Re: Close MPNR  Ãö³¬¦Ì®H¦ÛµM«OÅ@°Ï
Post by Simba Chan on Feb 2nd, 2004, 4:48pm
I was in Thailand last week - a country that REALLY affected by the Avian flu. Japan has also reported a few cases in western Honshu.

However, none of these countries officially blame migratory birds as vectors of the virus. Even if they do, the chance of catching avian flu from wild birds is extremely low. I worry more about who's sitting next to me in a plane than flu-carrying migratory birds I see in the field.

What Hong Kong does may trigger a wave of paranoia in Asia. I hope other countries will not close their reserves because of the Hong Kong precedent - a very bad one. I hope the Hong Kong Government will think twice on this matter.

Simba Chan
Wild Bird Society of Japan

Title: Re: Close MPNR  Ãö³¬¦Ì®H¦ÛµM«OÅ@°Ï
Post by me_domchan on Feb 2nd, 2004, 5:02pm
MPNR is a restricted area in the first place, I really have no idea why they have to "close" MPNR....

Title: Re: Ãö³¬¦Ì®H¦ÛµM«OÅ@°Ï
Post by Lynx on Feb 2nd, 2004, 10:52pm
What a shock!

In addition to informing me of the close of MPNR, today I received a letter from AFCD saying that:

For the sake of personal health and safety, it is advised that all bird watching activities should be temporary stopped in all areas of Hong Kong.

Title: Re: Close MPNR  Ãö³¬¦Ì®H¦ÛµM«OÅ@°Ï
Post by gjcarey on Feb 3rd, 2004, 11:28am
I have emailed AFCD on this, and sent the following message:

"I have seen your letter to Mai Po Marshes Permit Holders. I am afraid that I believe the AFCD advice to temporarily stop all birdwatching activities to be an over-reaction and unnecessary. There is absolutely no evidence that casually observing wild birds can lead to the contraction of bird flu. This advice sends completely the wrong message to birdwatchers and the public, i.e. that wild birds are carriers of fatal disease and should be shunned.

The same message is sent by the government in closing the reserve. That is bad enough. But for AFCD to suggest that simply being in the vicinity of birds is a risk to health is wholly inappropriate. The problem is the proximity of domestic poultry to humans and to wild birds, and not the proximity of wild birds to humans. Sensible caution is required, but not panic."


Title: Re: Close MPNR  Ãö³¬¦Ì®H¦ÛµM«OÅ@°Ï
Post by john on Feb 3rd, 2004, 12:22pm
The statement of AFCD to stop all bird watching activities is totally an over-reaction and sending a wrong message to the public and not understanding the fact of bird watching activity.

I will also email AFCD to voice my objection!


Title: Re: Close MPNR  Ãö³¬¦Ì®H¦ÛµM«OÅ@°Ï
Post by carmen on Feb 3rd, 2004, 6:16pm
Shocked!! :o :o

Title: Re: Close MPNR  Ãö³¬¦Ì®H¦ÛµM«OÅ@°Ï
Post by bjingbar on Feb 3rd, 2004, 7:47pm

I agree with your email, but shouldn't we be careful about saying wild birds don't have fatal disease

But this survey shows that your chance of coming in contact with a bird carrying H5N1 is low


Title: Re: Close MPNR  Ãö³¬¦Ì®H¦ÛµM«OÅ@°Ï
Post by gjcarey on Feb 4th, 2004, 11:42am

Nobody is saying birds don't carry fatal diseases. Just as dogs carry rabies and humans typhoid, birds can carry a variety of different forms of influenza (just as humans do). But, this does not mean that we should stop going out birdwatching for fear of getting bird flu. That is wholly unnecessary. Like Simba, I would be more concerned about what I might get from the person next to me on an aircraft than the possibility of catching any form of avian flu from the birds I see around me, whether at Mai Po or anywhere else.


Title: Re: Close MPNR  Ãö³¬¦Ì®H¦ÛµM«OÅ@°Ï
Post by bjingbar on Feb 4th, 2004, 12:23pm
Thanks Geoff

As I said in my earlier posts I agree with your email.

There seems to be no justification to stop birdwatching


Title: Re: Close MPNR  Ãö³¬¦Ì®H¦ÛµM«OÅ@°Ï
Post by Hinson on Feb 4th, 2004, 12:48pm
I will continue birdwatching!!!

Title: Re: Close MPNR  Ãö³¬¦Ì®H¦ÛµM«OÅ@°Ï
Post by Owen on Feb 4th, 2004, 4:31pm
I just want to rasied another question.

Can we do anything if they want to keep MPNR close on March?
As most of u understand that March is a important month for bird watch in Hong Kong. (Actaully February also).

I do really worried that they will extend such decision not just this month or next month.  They will asked for MPNR close EVERY WINTER if we don't voice out.

It's real sad for me as this is the first year I join bird watching activties.....

Title: Re: Close MPNR  Ãö³¬¦Ì®H¦ÛµM«OÅ@°Ï
Post by Janice on Feb 4th, 2004, 6:12pm
I am worried about closing Mai Po in March too... I was doing a Biology project on Mai Po in school just now, and I was shocked to find that the whole Biology class (including the teacher) was afraid to go to Mai Po, and think that the birds there really carry avian flu...

???I'd thought they'd understand... But no, the public are so scared of avian flu... and they blame the migratory birds... because of the government's decision? I don't know...

Lucky I visited the Oriental White Stork in Mai Po just before it closed... (on the day it was announced that it'd close, actually~)

;D ;D ;D Janice

Title: Re: Close MPNR  Ãö³¬¦Ì®H¦ÛµM«OÅ@°Ï
Post by William on Feb 5th, 2004, 3:48pm
Origin of bird flu? ???

The government was surprisely efficient in deciding to close MP and other bird gardens.  But is it effective in preventing bird flu in HK?  I have reservation!

Are we more likely to contact bird flu from wild birds?  My view is less than that from poultry.  But the Government has successfully implanted on the public the idea that migratory bird is the disease carrier by closing MP.  How bad it is. >:(

We, as birdwatchers, know that birds migrate from the north before winter comes.  Peak seasons are around Sept and Oct.  They either stayed in HK throughout winter or go further south.  It is now February and I doubt how many birds are still migrating.  If migratory birds are origin of bird flu, bird flu shouldn¡¦t be started earlier?  Bird flu shouldn¡¦t be more widely spread?  So, to blame migratory bird bringing in the disease is un-sounded.  The government (or at least AFCD) also knows this but remain silent.  I¡¦m not going to blame AFCD for not telling the public about this fact because they may only act as instructed!  I¡¦ really felt sorry for them.   :'(

I have been thinking of the question that bird flu have already been residing in our environment.  Discovering bird flu in HK in 1997 is just the tip of the iceberg.  God know how much earlier it has been living between us.  Does it like human flu which outbreak periodically among birds?  I do believe that bird flu occurs neutrally in birds, both in wild birds and poultry!  And because poultry and captive birds are caged, spread of flu is more easy and they are more vulnerable to bird flu.

Going back to my first question.  Origin of bird flu?  Because no countries would be that stupid to admit they are origin of bird flu, someone else have to be blamed.   Well, wild bird is the most appropriate victim.  Birds migrate; birds can fly and spread the disease.  It so easy to accuse them and people would believe.  How wonderful!  

If HK Government is to accuse wild bird spreading the disease, then I have to blame the Government for not taking effective measures to protect us.  Birds fly; birds are everywhere in HK, what have the Government do?   >:(

We DO easily contact poultry!  We can¡¦t easily come close to wild bird!  :-/

Title: Re-opening of Mai Po ¦n®ø®§¡I¦Ì®H­«¶}¡I
Post by Forrest FONG on Mar 17th, 2004, 6:37pm
¦n®ø®§¡I±o¨ìº®¹A¦ÛµMÅ@²z³B³qª¾¡A¦Ì®H±N©ó©ú¤é(¤T¤ë¤Q¤K¤é)­«¶}¡I§Ö§Ö®³¥X±æ»·Ãè¨ì¦Ì®HÆ[³¾§a¡I ;D

GOOD NEWS! As informed by AFCD, Mai Po will be re-opened on 18/3/2004. ;D

Forrest 8)

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