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Special Topics ¯S§O¥DÃD >> Wild Birds & Avian Flu ³¥³¾»P¸V¬y·P >> Message from the Chairman ·|ªøªº¸Ü
(Message started by: BBS Moderators on Mar 2nd, 2004, 2:30pm)

Title: Message from the Chairman ·|ªøªº¸Ü
Post by BBS Moderators on Mar 2nd, 2004, 2:30pm
From the Chairman:

Man and Bird have lived side by side harmoniously since ancient times.

Owing to recent deaths from avian flu communicated by domestic chicken, reports in the mass media have gradually led to the formation of a view that birds are the source of the epidemic or the cause of its spread. This is an unfortunate misunderstanding.

I spent some time reading the famous "Guns, Germs and Steel" and realized that epidemics started after human beings domesticated animals and birds. The increased contacts with domesticated animals and birds enhanced the chance of viruses jumping to human beings. Most of the time it does little harm, but occasionally it could cause illness. It further depends on the mutation of genes before the virus involved could move from one man to another. Finally, only with the concentration of dense populations in towns and cities could the virus move around and spread. That is how epidemics arise. In brief, it is the result of the actions of Man.

Man and Bird have always carried a potpourri of bacteria and viruses on their bodies. But after several million years of co-evolution, they have settled into a state of equilibrium such that they co-exist peacefully. Each is not bothered by the other. From this broad perspective, resident birds living among us as well as migratory birds on passage do not constitute a threat to our health.

When we watch birds, we pay due respect and keep good distances. Thus the chance of picking up anything from birds is miniscule. Indeed, throughout the world, there is as yet no reported case of catching avian flu through bird watching. Thus bird watchers need not worry unduly. Naturally, it is also prudent to observe common-sense rules of hygiene, such as taking a bath and washing the clothes and shoes on returning home from field trips.

The various claims that migratory birds spread the avian flu are unsettling and frustrating. Firstly, the recent cases of avian flu in humans arose from contacts with domestic chicken. Secondly, claims related to migratory birds so far were all hypothetical. Confirmed cases are yet to be reported in reputable scientific publications. Thirdly, the recent avian flu took place in mid winter, at a time when migrants were settled in their wintering grounds and not doing long-distance flights. They could not be spreading anything. Further details are given in the statement issued by BirdLife International, which is presented elsewhere in this bulletin.

Indeed, once we think about it, we would realize that in winter, the number of people moving through Lo Wu, Lok Ma Chou and the airport everyday far exceeds that of birds crossing the border. People flying long distances on the East Asia migration flyway are much more numerous than birds too. From the SARS episode, it is clear that the rapid spread of modern epidemics is mostly due to the mobility of human beings. The focus of epidemic containment should be firmly on Man. Shifting the blame to birds, which are actually victims of the flu, misplaces the emphasis and misses the point,

My heart aches greatly on hearing the sporadic calls to fill Mai Po or to kill migratory birds or even all birds, "in order to stop viruses spreading". Such calls ignore the fundamentals of epidemics and more sadly reflects a horrifying view of the universe centred on the individual, which sees all other living things as aliens and enemies. While we keep on teaching young children to value Life and to respect Life, what they see or hear now is always the word "kill". How could they possibly grow up with a healthy mind? My worry is that one day when they become adults they might demand to eliminate "other virus-carrying people".

We live at the apex of an immensely complex food chain, benefiting from the collective provisions generated by thousands and millions of species. This is an incredible miracle for which we should be forever thankful. We cannot lightly decide to kill other life forms. Once biodiversity is destroyed and once the food chain is broken, Man would also come to grief.

For the long-term sustenance of the human race on Earth, we must prudently handle our relationship with Nature. The emergence of avian flu is a serious alarm signal from Nature. We must carefully re-think how we should take care of domesticated birds since we have severed their links with Nature. We should respect and protect those birds which continue to roam freely in the wild, as our way to thank Providence for enabling us to enjoy our lives.

Dear birders, I urge you to make use of every opportunity to help your friends see the beauty of Life and Nature as well as the intimate relationship between Man and Nature. Hopefully we would give the world a greater sense of peacefulness.

People and Birds Together. Nature Forever.

CY Lam
Chairman of HKBWS
1 March 2004

Title: ·| ªø ªº ¸Ü
Post by BBS Moderators on Mar 2nd, 2004, 2:37pm
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