A Photographic Guide to the Birds of Hong Kong

ˇ§Bird watching provides a path leading to our communion with Nature. It lets us see the diversity and wonders of Life, and enable us to appreciate its beauty and serenity.ˇ¨
C Y Lam, Chairman of Hong Kong Bird Watching Society

A Photographic Guide to the Birds of Hong Kong is the collective effort of members of the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society (HKBWS). They have donated amazing photographs derived from many years of hard work in the field. They also prepared the text and helped designing the graphics. Covering 343 bird species, this book features over 760 bird photographs taken exclusively in Hong Kong (truly "Made in Hong Kong"). Some of the species are little known to the world, making this book a valuable reference both for bird researchers and amateur naturists alike.

All bird watchers who have contributed to the book are volunteers. It is hoped that the work would present the beauty of Hong Kong birds to the general public, thereby adding a little bit of spice to our busy urban life.

Author: Hong Kong Bird Watching Society
Publisher : Wan Li Book Co. Ltd
Language: Chinese and English
ISBN No. : 962ˇV14ˇV2894-7
Selling price: HK$168 (paper-back cover), HK$238 (hard-back cover), available at all major book stores

Highlights of ˇ§A Photographic Guide to the Birds of Hong Kongˇ¨

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