
Shorebirds 涉禽

    Subject Author Replies/Views Last Post
  [Curlews] Whimbrel(中杓鷸) in LV derekhon2 15/09/2017 0 / 5093 15/09/2017 07:07 by derekhon2
  [Plovers] Long Valley - Pacific Golden Plover Attachment Bandrew 30/08/2017 0 / 5401 30/08/2017 12:53 by Bandrew
  [Curlews] Whimbrel 中杓鷸 cthomas 19/08/2017 0 / 5892 19/08/2017 22:44 by cthomas
  [Others 其他] Black-Tailed Godwit 黑尾塍鷸 cthomas 15/07/2017 0 / 6033 15/07/2017 20:56 by cthomas
  [Phalarope] Red-Necked Phalarope 紅頸瓣蹼鷸 cthomas 25/06/2017 0 / 6512 25/06/2017 23:12 by cthomas
  [Sandpipers] *勺嘴鷸 Spoon-billed Sandpiper* Allen 17/05/2017 2 / 8199 18/05/2017 09:00 by thebirdguy
  [Sandpipers] Sharp-tailed Sandpiper lexusjohn 7/05/2017 0 / 5926 7/05/2017 17:57 by lexusjohn
  [Others 其他] Ruddy Turnstone lexusjohn 5/05/2017 0 / 5803 5/05/2017 14:00 by lexusjohn
  [Sandpipers] Curlew Sandpiper lexusjohn 5/05/2017 0 / 5569 5/05/2017 13:47 by lexusjohn
  [Stint] Little Stint lexusjohn 5/05/2017 0 / 5766 5/05/2017 08:58 by lexusjohn
  [Others 其他] Great Knot lexusjohn 5/05/2017 0 / 5686 5/05/2017 08:53 by lexusjohn
  [Prantincoles] Oriental Pratincole 普通燕鴴 cthomas 3/05/2017 0 / 5656 3/05/2017 23:02 by cthomas
  [Stilts] Black-Winged Stilt 黑翅長腳鷸 cthomas 3/05/2017 0 / 6196 3/05/2017 22:46 by cthomas
  [Curlews] Little Curlew ivantse 26/04/2017 0 / 5302 26/04/2017 13:30 by ivantse
  [Plovers] Oriental Plover ivantse 26/04/2017 0 / 5256 26/04/2017 13:29 by ivantse
  [Plovers] Oriental Plover [ 東方鴴 ] hkinni 26/04/2017 0 / 6143 26/04/2017 00:28 by hkinni
  [Curlews] Far Eastern Curlew ivantse 25/04/2017 0 / 5191 25/04/2017 16:41 by ivantse
  [Sandpipers] Terek Sandpiper Attachment thebirdguy 23/04/2017 0 / 5180 23/04/2017 07:24 by thebirdguy
  [Stint] Long-toed Stint Attachment thebirdguy 23/04/2017 0 / 4986 23/04/2017 07:23 by thebirdguy
  [Stint] Little Stint? Attachment thebirdguy 23/04/2017 0 / 4951 23/04/2017 07:22 by thebirdguy
  [Sandpipers] Great Knot Attachment thebirdguy 23/04/2017 0 / 5123 23/04/2017 07:20 by thebirdguy
  [Stint] Little Stint or Red-necked Stint ??? Attachment jsk_ppp 17/04/2017 5 / 7934 22/04/2017 21:50 by jsk_ppp
  [Stilts] 小濱鷸 Little Stint (Video) Late 19/04/2017 1 / 6598 20/04/2017 15:41 by ajohn
  [Sandpipers] Possible Cox's Sandpiper? (hybrid of Pectoral X Curlew Sandpiper) Attachment lsinpang 19/04/2017 3 / 9819 20/04/2017 15:22 by ajohn
  [Sandpipers] 鶴鷸 (Spotted Redshank) happyman 17/04/2017 0 / 5448 17/04/2017 01:40 by happyman
  [Avocets] Leucistic Pied Avocet (白變反咀鷸 ) Attachment jsk_ppp 16/04/2017 0 / 5248 16/04/2017 21:22 by jsk_ppp
  [Sandpipers] Spoon-billed Sandpiper?? (勺咀鷸??) Attachment jsk_ppp 9/04/2017 8 / 9750 13/04/2017 23:07 by jsk_ppp
  [Snipe] Ruddy Turnstone Attachment Mars 9/04/2017 0 / 5207 9/04/2017 22:34 by Mars
  [Lapwings] Grey-headed Lapwing 灰頭麥雞 Attachment earnest 4/04/2017 0 / 5427 4/04/2017 09:40 by earnest
  [Sandpipers] Ruff with others (流蘇鷸) Attachment jsk_ppp 26/03/2017 4 / 8302 31/03/2017 20:59 by jsk_ppp
  [Snipe] Bird ID Please Attachment Mars 27/03/2017 2 / 5756 28/03/2017 23:35 by Mars
  [Others 其他] ID Please Attachment Mars 26/03/2017 2 / 6092 27/03/2017 20:14 by Mars
  [Sandpipers] Nordmann's Greenshank Attachment John Holmes 24/03/2017 3 / 8213 27/03/2017 15:41 by lexusjohn
  [Others 其他] Nordmann's Greenshank ??? Attachment tbob 22/03/2017 3 / 6334 22/03/2017 21:47 by tbob
  Moved: 海外足旗涉禽目擊紀錄 Overseas leg-flagged Shorebird Sightings HKBWS Ivan 26/03/2014 - / - 18/03/2017 15:02 by lrichard
  [Prantincoles] Oriental Pratincoles [ 普通燕鴴 ] hkinni 12/03/2017 0 / 4807 12/03/2017 22:26 by hkinni
  [Others 其他] 翻石鷸 Ruddy Turnstone Attachment irsychan 16/04/2015 5 / 9963 10/03/2017 00:37 by irsychan
  [Avocets] Pied Avocet with Yellow flag J7 Attachment kan1029 2/02/2017 0 / 5244 2/02/2017 15:42 by kan1029
  [Lapwings] Northern Lapwing 鳳頭麥雞 cthomas 28/01/2017 0 / 5468 28/01/2017 21:50 by cthomas
  [Snipe] Common Snipe 扇尾沙錐 aluminiumSeki 22/01/2017 0 / 5892 22/01/2017 00:15 by aluminiumSeki
  [Sandpipers] Nordmann's Greenshank 小青腳鷸 cthomas 17/01/2017 0 / 5646 17/01/2017 23:17 by cthomas
  [Sandpipers] Buff Breasted Sandpiper [ 黃胸鷸] hkinni 11/01/2017 0 / 5712 11/01/2017 01:06 by hkinni
  [Lapwings] Northern Lapwing [ 鳳頭麥雞 ] hkinni 11/01/2017 0 / 5994 11/01/2017 00:26 by hkinni
  [Lapwings] Northern Lapwing lexusjohn 10/01/2017 0 / 5472 10/01/2017 09:38 by lexusjohn
  [Sandpipers] Buff-breasted Sandpiper lexusjohn 27/12/2016 8 / 8428 8/01/2017 18:48 by kc3018
  [Sandpipers] Buff-breasted Sandpiper (黃胸鷸) Attachment jsk_ppp 3/01/2017 2 / 6277 4/01/2017 22:12 by jsk_ppp
  [Sandpipers] U1 Attachment edyip1999 3/01/2017 0 / 4798 3/01/2017 16:32 by edyip1999
  [Sandpipers] 黃胸鷸Buff-breasted Sandpiper boomhand 30/12/2016 1 / 6299 30/12/2016 10:58 by thebirdguy
  [Others 其他] Common or Spotted Redshank? Attachment Bandrew 29/11/2016 3 / 7307 13/12/2016 09:12 by Bandrew
  [Avocets] Pied avocet - different colour Attachment Jackvader 12/12/2016 0 / 5023 12/12/2016 22:42 by Jackvader
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