
Waterbirds 水鳥

    Subject Author Replies/Views Last Post
  Appeal for photographs cgeoff 9/08/2021 4 / 12305 27/09/2021 12:14 by cgeoff
  靚相護雀鳥 承諾「不干擾」Respect birds, do not disturb! Attachment HKBWS Chuan 29/04/2020 1 / 13897 1/05/2020 06:03 by wcaptain
  雀鳥有關個案的處理方法Suggested actions for different bird cases Attachment HKBWS Chuan 4/06/2015 6 / 53110 10/06/2015 15:58 by WWF Mai Po
  觀鳥及鳥類攝影守則 Code of Conduct for Birdwatching and Photography BWA 25/06/2007 0 / 92786 25/06/2007 18:09 by BWA
Icon21 黑臉琵鷺全球同步普查 International Black-faced Spoonbill Census 2023 Attachment HKBWS_Kathy 24/04/2023 0 / 4652 24/04/2023 17:31 by HKBWS_Kathy
  [Herons] 夜鷺擒魚. Attachment M.L.YIP 5/11/2023 2 / 1045 19/09/2024 11:33 by M.L.YIP
  [Egrets] 牛背鷺. Attachment M.L.YIP 28/04/2023 4 / 2178 19/09/2024 09:52 by M.L.YIP
  [Bittern] 黃斑葦鳽. Attachment M.L.YIP 8/06/2024 0 / 920 8/06/2024 15:23 by M.L.YIP
  [Herons] 綠鷺. Attachment M.L.YIP 22/05/2024 0 / 443 22/05/2024 15:52 by M.L.YIP
  [Rails] 黑水鷄. Attachment M.L.YIP 21/05/2024 0 / 420 21/05/2024 11:52 by M.L.YIP
  [Herons] Striated Heron 綠鷺 Attachment CHUI915 13/05/2024 0 / 553 13/05/2024 17:48 by CHUI915
  [Bittern] 黃斑葦鳽. Attachment M.L.YIP 12/05/2024 0 / 516 12/05/2024 21:10 by M.L.YIP
  [Bittern] Yellow bittern 黃葦鳽 Godwin-C 6/05/2024 0 / 453 6/05/2024 10:37 by Godwin-C
  [Egrets] 黃嘴白鷺又來了. Attachment M.L.YIP 27/04/2024 0 / 500 27/04/2024 16:07 by M.L.YIP
  [Ducks] 白眉鴨. Attachment M.L.YIP 15/11/2023 1 / 997 20/04/2024 11:29 by M.L.YIP
  [Kingfisher] 斑魚狗. Attachment M.L.YIP 19/04/2024 0 / 549 19/04/2024 13:57 by M.L.YIP
  [Cormorants] 西貢鸕鶿. Attachment M.L.YIP 23/11/2023 2 / 922 14/04/2024 20:35 by M.L.YIP
  [Kingfisher] 斑魚狗刁魚圖. Attachment M.L.YIP 14/02/2024 2 / 1719 13/04/2024 16:49 by M.L.YIP
  [Ducks] 針尾鴨. Attachment M.L.YIP 13/04/2024 0 / 571 13/04/2024 16:46 by M.L.YIP
  [Ducks] 琵嘴鴨. Attachment M.L.YIP 27/03/2023 1 / 2338 24/03/2024 12:27 by M.L.YIP
  [Herons] 草鷺. Attachment M.L.YIP 20/03/2024 0 / 620 20/03/2024 21:13 by M.L.YIP
  [Kingfisher] 普通翠鳥. Attachment M.L.YIP 1/10/2022 2 / 2497 17/03/2024 08:27 by M.L.YIP
  [Ducks] 針尾鴨. Attachment M.L.YIP 13/03/2024 0 / 638 13/03/2024 15:32 by M.L.YIP
  [Egrets] 白琵鷺. Attachment M.L.YIP 1/02/2023 2 / 3854 12/03/2024 19:34 by M.L.YIP
  [Geese] Greater White-fronted Goose 白額雁 Attachment kc3018 3/03/2024 0 / 790 3/03/2024 14:18 by kc3018
  [Grebes] 大生圍的鳳頭鸊鷉. Attachment M.L.YIP 3/03/2024 0 / 576 3/03/2024 13:15 by M.L.YIP
  [Kingfisher] Pied Kingfisher 斑魚狗 Godwin-C 5/12/2023 1 / 1022 29/02/2024 21:24 by Godwin-C
  [Grebes] 鳳頭鸊鷉的動與靜. Attachment M.L.YIP 24/12/2023 1 / 1009 29/02/2024 10:57 by M.L.YIP
  [Grebes] 小鸊鷉. Attachment M.L.YIP 23/12/2023 1 / 882 28/02/2024 14:48 by M.L.YIP
  [Ducks] 鳳頭潛鴨. Attachment M.L.YIP 26/02/2024 0 / 710 26/02/2024 19:00 by M.L.YIP
  [Egrets] 白琵鷺與黑臉琵鷺. Attachment M.L.YIP 23/02/2024 0 / 787 23/02/2024 20:25 by M.L.YIP
  [Herons] 夜鷺. Attachment M.L.YIP 16/09/2023 1 / 1430 22/02/2024 11:02 by M.L.YIP
  [Kingfisher] 斑魚狗. Attachment M.L.YIP 16/01/2024 2 / 1029 20/02/2024 11:27 by M.L.YIP
  [Rails] Slaty-legged Crake 灰腳秧雞 Attachment Paux 15/02/2024 0 / 911 15/02/2024 13:11 by Paux
  [Kingfisher] 龍騰虎躍斑魚狗. Attachment M.L.YIP 10/02/2024 2 / 1032 10/02/2024 21:59 by M.L.YIP
  [Rails] White-breasted Waterhen 白胸苦惡鳥 Godwin-C 3/02/2024 1 / 832 3/02/2024 21:25 by Godwin-C
  [Cormorants] 鸕鶿. Attachment M.L.YIP 1/02/2024 0 / 702 1/02/2024 21:59 by M.L.YIP
  [Storks] 東方白鸛的靜與動. Attachment M.L.YIP 28/01/2024 0 / 775 28/01/2024 15:01 by M.L.YIP
  [Egrets] 大白鷺與小白鷺. Attachment M.L.YIP 27/01/2024 0 / 757 27/01/2024 10:19 by M.L.YIP
  [Coots] 白骨頂. Attachment M.L.YIP 16/11/2022 5 / 3838 17/01/2024 21:29 by M.L.YIP
  [Ducks] Gadwall 赤膀鴨 Attachment CHUI915 17/01/2024 0 / 817 17/01/2024 10:56 by CHUI915
  [Ducks] 綠翅鴨. Attachment M.L.YIP 5/10/2023 1 / 1342 15/01/2024 21:25 by M.L.YIP
  [Geese] Greater White-fronted Goose 白額雁 Attachment CHUI915 15/01/2024 0 / 871 15/01/2024 20:05 by CHUI915
  [Ducks] 羅紋鴨. Attachment M.L.YIP 19/02/2023 2 / 4636 13/01/2024 21:37 by M.L.YIP
  [Storks] 東方白鸛. Attachment M.L.YIP 13/01/2024 0 / 1007 13/01/2024 15:41 by M.L.YIP
  [Herons] Black-crowned Night Heron Attachment gordonvr 6/01/2024 0 / 738 6/01/2024 07:31 by gordonvr
  [Storks] Black Stork 黑鸛 Attachment CHUI915 31/12/2023 4 / 1227 5/01/2024 18:01 by K_Chan
  [Egrets] Great Egret Attachment gordonvr 3/01/2024 0 / 653 3/01/2024 11:48 by gordonvr
  [Herons] Juvenile Night Heron scavenging Attachment gordonvr 3/01/2024 0 / 627 3/01/2024 11:43 by gordonvr
  [Kingfisher] 藍翡翠. Attachment M.L.YIP 31/12/2023 0 / 918 31/12/2023 15:58 by M.L.YIP
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