
Common Redshanks XN, M4 and C? [Mai Po 2024-08-09]

Common Redshanks XN, M4 and C? [Mai Po 2024-08-09]



Thank you very much for the observations.

XN was ringed on 15-Nov-2023 as a 1st year bird. This is the 19th report of this bird at Mai Po, including 4 sightings from you. Last reported on 14-May-24 by you.

M4 was ringed on 10-Nov-2018 as an adult. Reported more than 40 times from both Hong Kong and Shenzhen side of Deep Bay and recorded in 2 summers in Mongolia near Ulaanbataar. Great to see it is returning to Deep Bay for another winter.

The last one is likely CF, ringed on 23-Dec-2021 as 1st year bird and fitted with a GPS tracker. Fifteen sightings of this bird from Mai Po and last seen by you on 16-Apr-2024. The tracker shows that CF migrated north to the same breeding site at the border of Inner Mongolia and Mongolia in both 2023 and 2024.

Thanks again.

Waterbirds Ringing Group

