
[Others 其他] 南韓國際觀鳥節2007報告及觀鳥花絮 Report of the Korea International Bird Watchi

南韓國際觀鳥節2007報告及觀鳥花絮 Report of the Korea International Bird Watchi

26-28 Oct 2007, HKBWS participated in Cheonsuman International Bird Watching Fair 2007 held in Seosan, South Korea. This is the first time to invite international delegates to join the Fair. Besides Hong Kong, representatives of wild bird societies from Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, The Philippines and Texas of America also participated.

觀鳥節的場地是在沿海一大片稻米田附近。The venue of the Fair is located near the coastal area beside a huge area of paddy fields.

所有展覽攤位都在這個帳篷內。All exhibition booths are inside this marquee.

香港觀鳥會的展覽攤位 Exhibition booth of HKBWS

其他鳥會的展覽攤位 Exhibition booth of other wild bird societies

展覽場內還有當地常見雀鳥的介紹和短片播放 There are also introduction to local common birds as well as bird movies.

開幕典禮的場地 Venue of opening ceremony

開幕典禮和展覽花絮 Highlights of the opening ceremony and the Fair

清水灣是聞名國際的花臉鴨渡冬地,除此之外,還有數十萬隻的豆雁、白額雁、綠頭鴨等在這兒渡過漫長的冬天。Cheonsuman is an important wintering place for Baikal Teal. Besides, there are also hundred thousands of Bean Goose, White-fronted Goose, Mallard etc to spend their winter there.
各國鳥友聚首一堂 Birders from different countries gathered together.

成千上萬的豆雁和白額雁,十分壯觀。Thousands of Bean Goose and White-fronted Goose, it’s amazing!

鳳頭百靈Crested Lark

白額雁White-fronted Goose

酒店旁的沙灘上可看到黑尾鷗和烏灰銀鷗,他們都不太怕人。Black-tailed Gull and Heuglin’s Gull can be seen on the beach besides a hotel, they are not afraid of people.

黑尾鷗Black-tailed Gull

烏灰銀鷗Heuglin’s Gull




這間是大會安排入住的酒店, 是在瑞山(Seosan)的Lotte Ocean Castle Resort
酒店距離我所說的清水灣(Cheonsuman) 稻米田相距約一個多小時車程


[quote:94d8154080="HKBWS Officer"]這間是大會安排入住的酒店, 是在瑞山(Seosan)的Lotte Ocean Castle Resort
酒店距離我所說的清水灣(Cheonsuman) 稻米田相距約一個多小時車程[/quote]
Very Thank !

