Subject: [Herons] Study: Ringed Little Egret - 研究: 有腳環的小白鷺 [Print This Page] Author: wcaptain Time: 21/06/2010 12:14 Subject: Study: Ringed Little Egret - 研究: 有腳環的小白鷺
KFBG and Egret Research Group of HKBWS released a ringed Little Egret at Nam Sang Wai on 17 June 2010. The yellow colour ring of this bird is HA 01 (see photos). The aim of this study is to investigate the home range and movement of local egrets and herons.
Pls kindly report to Captain Wong at wongcaptain @ yahoo. com if you have any sighting of this bird. Or simply leave a message on the forum. Thanks
嘉道理農場暨植物園與香港觀鳥會鷺鳥研究小組在二零一零年六月十七日於南生圍,放回一隻繫有黃色脚環(編号 HA 01)的小白鷺 (見圖)。本研究目的是找出本地鷺鳥的活動及遷移範圍。
The story of HA04
HA04 was an injured Little Egret. It was admitted in KFBG in 2012. After recovery, it was ringed by the Egret Research group/bird ringing group of HKBWS on 31 may 2012, and was subsequently released at Lam Tsuen.
During egretry count of the 2015 breeding season, HA04 was found building its nest with partner at the Tai Po Market colony. The nest location was rather open and peripheral. The Egret Research Group was gald that HA04 can find a partner and have their offspring.
In this year (2018), HA04 was found building its nest with partner at the same corner again! Although we did not find HA04 in 2016 and 2017 (may be overlooked), it is strongly suspected that the Little Egret prefers using the same nesting location in a colony year after year.
This may address the question of “is the nesting location age related” (ie experienced parents can move to a better, inner place to build their nest, and thus their nest varies each year. Or the best place is the outer edge as it could offer a better view to trace foraging flights of their neighbours). It is obviously not aged related in accordance with the observations on HA04. However, this is still a speculation and hope we could have more data to support it.
Nevertheless, we wish HA04 a successful season
[ Last edited by wcaptain at 31/05/2018 11:12 ] Author: wcaptain Time: 31/05/2018 10:41
HA04 was seen by a member of Egret Research Group at the Tai Po Market colony on 20 June 2020. Its new nest is about 5m away from the old one.
It has bred at this colony at least since 2015. Author: wcaptain Time: 22/06/2020 12:44
HA 37 - Little Egret was seen at the Tai Po Market colony on 7 Apr 2020 (By a birder, Mr Yeung) and 18 Apr 2020 (by a member of ERG). It was ringed and released at Tai Po on 29 June 2017. It was a victim of the tragedy tree felling case at Tai Po in 2017
HA 37: 鳥友楊先生2020年4月7日及鷺鳥研究組成員於2020年4月18日在大埔墟鷺林再次看到。此鳥為2017年大埔坎樹慘劇的孤雛 ,經嘉道理農場暨植物園悉心照料後,在同年6月繫上腳環及放生
[ Last edited by wcaptain at 22/06/2020 13:07 ]
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