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Subject: [Hong Kong] Warbler? [Print This Page]

Author: cwaikeung    Time: 13/07/2021 07:57     Subject: Warbler?


Image Attachment: IMG-20210713-WA0000.jpg (13/07/2021 07:57, 306.79 KB) / Download count 295

Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 20/07/2021 13:16

Looks like a Black-browed Reed Warbler
Would you like to tell me the date and location of the bird?
Thank you very much
Author: cwaikeung    Time: 20/07/2021 18:18

Thank you. That's our guess too. Sorry, it was an old photo. It was taken on 28/10/2019 12:55PM at MaiPo, at the left hand side walking along the footpath from pond 9 to entrance gate.

[ Last edited by cwaikeung at 20/07/2021 18:24 ]

Image Attachment: DSC09284-s1.jpg (20/07/2021 18:23, 60.02 KB) / Download count 303

Author: cwaikeung    Time: 20/07/2021 18:39

Thank you very much for the help to identify. Just reviewed the photos again. Found other photos of similar but with clearer distinctive features taken two minutes earlier. Yes, it should be Black-browed Reed Warbler too. Its whiskers are white and longer. Probably, this is an elder bird. Right? Will the first photo be a juvenile? They are lovely.

[ Last edited by cwaikeung at 20/07/2021 18:58 ]

Image Attachment: DSC09280-as.jpg (20/07/2021 18:43, 61.56 KB) / Download count 305

Image Attachment: DSC09276-s1.jpg (20/07/2021 18:52, 74.05 KB) / Download count 316

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