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Subject: [Outing] 香港觀鳥會攝影分享日 [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS_Koren    Time: 15/08/2022 11:18     Subject: 香港觀鳥會攝影分享日


香港觀鳥會與 Canon Hong Kong 將於9月3日舉辦攝影分享日,由本會導師及生態攝影師講解鳥類及保育知識,交流生態攝影心得。只要在8月12至31日期間到佳能數碼影像坊購買 EOS R7,即可參加。名額有限,先到先得。



【HKBWS Photography Workshop】

The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society will collaborate with Canon Hong Kong to host a photography workshop on 3 September. Under the guidance of HKBWS staff and wildlife photographer, partcipants will get to know more about wild birds, nature conservation and basic techniques for wildlife photography.


Those who make a purchase of EOS R7 at Canon Image Square between 12 and 31 August will be eligible to enrol for this workshop. Spots are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Date: 3 September (SAT)
Time: 08:30 - 13:00
Location: Lions Nature Education Centre, Sai Kung

Image Attachment: 20220812 CANON_v3.jpg (15/08/2022 11:18, 826.35 KB) / Download count 376

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