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Subject: [Others 其他] Bird Ringing and other marking methods used to study wild birds (研究野鳥:環誌 [Print This Page]

Author: mcarrie    Time: 29/01/2008 21:42     Subject: Bird Ringing and other marking methods used to study wild birds (研究野鳥:環誌



講者    :  利雅德先生
日期    :  2008年3月1日 (星期六)
時間    :  下午2:30 – 3:30
地點    :  香港濕地公園 放映室
語言    :  英語(配以簡短廣東話翻譯)

報名方法:報名表格可於香港濕地公園網站下載( 填妥報名表格後傳真/電郵至香港濕地公園教育組「外訪節目分組」(傳真號碼:2617 1158 ; 電郵。


Public Lecture:
Bird Ringing and other marking methods used to study wild birds

Bird ringing is a technique used to study wild birds. By attaching a small individually numbered metal or plastic ring, various aspects of the birds' life including habitats, distribution, population dynamics and patterns of movements or migration can be studied. This technique is currently undertaken in Hong Kong by a trained group of experts (called "bird ringers").  Other techniques for studying wild birds including radio-tracking and satellite-tracking will also be discussed.  The speaker will introduce the way of studying birds by these different techniques and will share a broad view with regard to the implications to the conservation of wild birds in Hong Kong and beyond.

The details of the public lecture are as follow:
Speaker        : Mr. Paul J. LEADER
Date        : 1 March, 2008 (Saturday)
Time        : 2:30p.m. – 3:30p.m.
Venue        : Theatre, Hong Kong Wetland Park
Language : English (with brief Cantonese translation)

Application: Download the application form from Hong Kong Wetland Park website
( and return the application form by fax or email to the Outreach Programme Unit, Education Section, Hong Kong Wetland Park (Fax No.:2617 1158; Email:

Author: mcarrie    Time: 27/02/2008 19:59     Subject: Re: Bird Ringing and other marking methods used to study wild birds (研究野鳥:

Please note that the speaker of the public lecture on bird ringing is changed to Dr. Michael Leven (as Paul will be out of town around that period).

For updated information about the public lecture, please visit the Hong Kong Wetland Park website at:




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