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Subject: 別摧毀我一生 Don't Destroy My Life [Print This Page]

Author: james4j    Time: 25/07/2008 11:01     Subject: 別摧毀我一生 Don't Destroy My Life

黑枕燕鷗 Black-Naped Tern
Southern Waters 南部水域
From 25/5/08 to 13/7/08

My diary should have been written like this:
I was born at a beautiful small island amid bountiful waters, and life was easy.

When I was young, I enjoy running around.  I lived happily with my parents, although there were differences in opinions at times.

Still a teenager, I already dreamt of travelling around and be independent like my parents.

so I tried hard to master flying.

My dream finally came true - I could now roam the great skies everyday.

And there's time for some fun too - life was never boring.

Then I became interested in the opposite sex, chasing relentlessly after pretty girls and making generous offers.

Luckily I found my better half.  I enjoyed dancing with her all day.

I got her word in a wonderful moring - we became a family.

Good news came shortly afterwards.  On seeing the growing baby in her, I couldn't stop admiring my perfect life.

Alas! All the hopes and promises of a wonderful life ended miserably in a pair of callous mindless hands.

Allow me to say again - please don't destroy my life.

Translated by W
Author: lchunfai    Time: 25/07/2008 12:57

故事感人,圖片很美,除last one

[ Last edited by lchunfai at 25/07/2008 12:58 ]
Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 25/07/2008 13:01

對呀! 感人的故事!!

yes... what a great and touching story!
if human can respect birds and love birds... it would be a happy ending!
Author: BWA    Time: 25/07/2008 22:04


Wonderful wildlife record!
Terns are among the few birds that allow people to make prolonged observations.
As long as we don't disturb them, they would let you peep into their daily lives.
Sadly, this is not valued by some people, who ruined their families for nothing.
Author: Sze    Time: 25/07/2008 23:41

對呀! 為了保護牠們!

Author: Seelaiding    Time: 27/07/2008 12:08


有那些地方可參考?當然每地方都有其獨特環境因素。 例如: 鹽灶下在某幾個月份是臨時禁區。那是如何成事呢?







大至殺人、販毒等嚴重罪行,小至不遵守交通規則橫過馬路、亂拋垃圾等法例,都不能完全阻止以身試法。 那法例還要嗎?不用多說!

一方面用法例提高罸款,加強檢控亂拋垃圾者, 同時加強敎育讓公眾明白守法、保持環境衛生的重要。




Certainly support to make some of the breeding Islands become a temporary closed area during the breeding season.

Let's think about under what situation will the Government decide to agree to close certain areas in the name of wildlife protection. We understand that every place has its unique situation.
How about Yim Tso Ha Egretry, the island is closed during the breeding for egrets.  

According to the other post, the society has urged and proposed to AFCD that the Island(s) be closed during breeding season since 2003, the proposal has been declined.  
Can we study the reasons behind the rejection?  
Was it because of not providing strong enough statistical info to support for the proposal?

Query 1)
The government will not make a law that is unenforceable.
“Unenforceable” laws is not an valid excuse.

A lot of things are against the law from serious criminal offences to jay-walking and littering, some of these offences are easier to punish than others, but that doesn't mean that the government should not bother legislating when enforcement might be difficult. There is a question of principle involved.  
If some aspect of human behaviour is wrong the government should legislate against it.

Query 2)
Although the breeding terns might use different Islands each year.  How hard can it be to enforce a temporary closure of some of the islands?
Someone in uniform can request or order people who land on the "closed island" to leave. Putting a sign on the "closed islands".   These are all practical measures.

Although amended the law may not stop the disturbance completely, but it would send out a clear signal that disturbing terns breeding is not acceptable behaviour.

Respecting and protecting the wildlife and keeping a hygienic environment are both important aspects of Civil education.    To let the breeding Terns have an undisturbed environment is not just to fulfil the desires of wild bird lovers.   Terns are one of the nature treasure of Hong Kong, we are lucky to have to some species of terns to breed here.  

We claim to be an international city with a good law system to be proud of.   We believe that there should always be room in an international city to co-exist with these wonders of nature.

Can we spare them a few rocky islands to breed in peace?

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