
[China] Shanghai Birding Tip

Shanghai Birding Tip

I wonder if anyone has a suggestion for a 2-3 day guided birding trip near Shanghai? My eldest brother will be in Shanghai in March ( he has some flexibility regarding the exact date - whether it be early or late MArch) and is hoping to tee up some birding after his meeting. Pete is a bit of a 'numbers man'
An English speaking guide is preferred, but not essential.Yancheng Marshes has been suggested as one of his better options.
Does anyone have any better options or more importantly a company or guide who might be able to assist him?
Many thanks in advance.



Thanks for that.I'll e mail the HKBWS.
Now we have a guides' name, has anyone got a personal favourite site that would make a great 2-3 day trip?


Interestingly,unknown to me, the guide you recommended was the chap my brother had already made contact with!

He had suggested Yancheng Reserve for 2 nights, 2+days and a 5hr car drive for what sounded like a steep 7500Yuan/US$1200 for the whole package.
As this picture shows - somethings are hard to swallow but maybe that's the price for 2.5 days birding in China!
Many thanks for your help


