A new era of cooperation for the BirdLife International Partnership in China
國際鳥盟行政總裁Marco Lambertini博士與中國鳥類學會劉迺發教授於11月8日在中國浙江省杭州市舉行的第十二屆全國鳥類學術研討會開幕式上簽署諒解備忘錄, 由我們的主席劉偉民先生, 以及500位在場的鳥類學家、鳥會代表見證。這是國際鳥盟和中國正式合作的新里程碑。
The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed by BirdLife’s Chief Executive Dr Marco Lambertini, and Professor Liu Naifa, President of the COS and witnessed by Our chairman, Mr. Apache Lau and 500 ornithologists at the Opening Ceremony of the 12th Congress of COS, convened in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China on 8th November, 2013. The beginning of a new era in formal cooperation between BirdLife International and China has begun with the signing of a MoU between the BirdLife International Partnership and the China Ornithological Society (COS).