158 1234

Tai Po Kau 大埔滘

    Subject Author Replies/Views Last Post
  Appeal for photographs cgeoff 9/08/2021 4 / 12445 27/09/2021 12:14 by cgeoff
  靚相護雀鳥 承諾「不干擾」Respect birds, do not disturb! Attachment HKBWS Chuan 29/04/2020 1 / 14046 1/05/2020 06:03 by wcaptain
  雀鳥有關個案的處理方法Suggested actions for different bird cases Attachment HKBWS Chuan 4/06/2015 6 / 53639 10/06/2015 15:58 by WWF Mai Po
  觀鳥及鳥類攝影守則 Code of Conduct for Birdwatching and Photography BWA 25/06/2007 0 / 93127 25/06/2007 18:09 by BWA
  Silver-eared Mesia 銀耳相思鳥 Attachment Paux 5/04/2022 2 / 3667 10/04/2024 17:21 by Paux
  Crested Serpent Eagle 蛇鵰 Attachment Paux 25/03/2024 0 / 711 25/03/2024 16:11 by Paux
  Chinese Barbet 黑眉擬啄木鳥 (record photos) Attachment Paux 25/03/2024 0 / 717 25/03/2024 16:08 by Paux
  Fork-tailed Sunbird 叉尾太陽鳥 Attachment Paux 4/03/2024 1 / 917 5/03/2024 13:54 by msamuel
  Greyish-crowned Leafbird 灰冠橙腹葉鵯 Attachment Paux 4/03/2024 0 / 713 4/03/2024 17:37 by Paux
  Velvet-fronted Nuthatch 絨額鳾 Attachment Paux 6/09/2022 2 / 2763 28/02/2024 19:46 by Paux
  Scarlet Minivet 赤紅山椒鳥 Attachment Paux 29/10/2021 1 / 3782 28/02/2024 18:59 by Paux
  Asian Brown Flycatcher 北灰鶲 Attachment Paux 15/11/2023 1 / 905 13/02/2024 18:10 by Paux
  Chestnut Bulbul 栗背短腳鵯 Attachment Paux 1/05/2023 1 / 1842 12/02/2024 12:47 by Paux
  Black-winged Cuckooshrike 暗灰鵑鵙 Attachment Paux 7/02/2024 0 / 814 7/02/2024 16:39 by Paux
  Verditer Flycatcher 銅藍鶲 Attachment Paux 16/12/2021 2 / 3759 30/01/2024 16:23 by Paux
  Blue Whistling Thrush 紫嘯鶇 Attachment Paux 9/07/2022 4 / 2807 30/01/2024 15:56 by Paux
  Asian Stubtail 鱗頭樹鶯 derekhon2 19/12/2023 0 / 901 19/12/2023 11:07 by derekhon2
  Japanese Tit 遠東山雀 Attachment Paux 9/12/2023 0 / 908 9/12/2023 16:07 by Paux
  Dark-sided Flycatcher 烏鶲 derekhon2 14/10/2023 0 / 1096 14/10/2023 10:24 by derekhon2
  Dark-sided Flycatcher 烏鶲 Attachment Paux 26/09/2022 2 / 2848 13/10/2023 22:20 by Paux
  Huet's Fulvetta 淡眉雀鶥 Attachment Paux 31/08/2023 0 / 1456 31/08/2023 18:55 by Paux
  Forest Wagtail 山鶺鴒 Godwin-C 30/07/2023 1 / 1753 2/08/2023 09:56 by HKBWS Tom
  East Asian Porcupine 豪豬 Attachment Paux 1/05/2023 0 / 1822 1/05/2023 21:15 by Paux
  Black-throated Laughingthrush 黑喉噪鶥 Attachment Paux 10/12/2022 1 / 2306 15/04/2023 17:28 by Paux
  Tristram's Bunting 白眉鵐 Attachment Paux 18/02/2023 0 / 2344 18/02/2023 11:59 by Paux
  Black Bulbul 黑短腳鵯 Attachment Paux 21/06/2022 1 / 2899 4/02/2023 17:04 by Paux
  Red-billed Leiothrix 紅嘴相思鳥 Attachment Paux 27/01/2021 1 / 4143 28/01/2023 13:15 by Paux
  Mountain Bulbul 綠翅短腳鵯 Attachment Paux 3/12/2021 2 / 3484 23/01/2023 22:13 by Paux
  Indochinese Yuhina 栗頸鳳鶥 Attachment Paux 28/12/2022 1 / 2521 16/01/2023 12:51 by Paux
  White's Thrush 懷氏地鶇 Attachment Paux 21/12/2022 1 / 2934 28/12/2022 12:59 by Paux
  Yellow-cheeked Tit 黃頰山雀 Attachment Paux 25/12/2020 1 / 4364 18/12/2022 21:45 by Paux
  Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker 朱背啄花鳥 Attachment Paux 26/09/2022 0 / 2225 26/09/2022 12:15 by Paux
  Red-throated Flycatcher 紅喉姬鶲 Attachment Paux 20/09/2022 0 / 2601 20/09/2022 11:08 by Paux
  Asian Barred Owlet 斑頭鵂鶹 Godwin-C 2/05/2022 6 / 4205 22/05/2022 19:09 by K_Chan
  Great Barbet 大擬啄木鳥 Godwin-C 30/04/2022 3 / 4045 8/05/2022 21:44 by K_Chan
  Great Barbet 大擬啄木鳥 Attachment Paux 3/05/2022 0 / 2529 3/05/2022 22:22 by Paux
  Lugens Morph Black-throated Laughingthrush derekhon2 26/04/2022 0 / 3109 26/04/2022 21:20 by derekhon2
  Hainan Blue Flycatcher 海南藍仙鶲 Attachment Paux 26/04/2022 0 / 2920 26/04/2022 20:24 by Paux
  鳳頭鷹Crested Goshawk derekhon2 22/04/2022 0 / 3689 22/04/2022 11:47 by derekhon2
  大埔滘(Tai Po Kau) Wellington 28/01/2022 3 / 4332 5/02/2022 11:41 by Wellington
  Grey-chinned Minivet 灰喉山椒鳥 Attachment Paux 29/10/2021 0 / 2998 29/10/2021 12:12 by Paux
  Dark-sided Flycatcher 烏鶲 Attachment Paux 19/09/2021 4 / 4906 30/09/2021 22:25 by coconutcat
  Crested Goshawk 鳳頭鷹 Attachment Paux 8/06/2021 0 / 3923 8/06/2021 11:23 by Paux
  Mrs. Gould's Sunbird 藍喉太陽鳥 Attachment Paux 31/01/2020 2 / 5589 1/06/2021 23:02 by Paux
  Blue & White Flycatcher (1st winter male) 白腹藍姬鶲 Attachment Paux 19/02/2021 0 / 4035 19/02/2021 12:18 by Paux
  Striated Yuhina 栗耳鳳鶥 Godwin-C 17/02/2021 0 / 4815 17/02/2021 12:11 by Godwin-C
  橙腹葉鵯(雄) Orange-bellied Leafbird (male) Attachment phcheung 22/01/2021 0 / 4427 22/01/2021 18:08 by phcheung
  Blue-winged Leafbird 藍翅葉鵯 Attachment Paux 22/01/2021 0 / 3825 22/01/2021 11:10 by Paux
  Collared owlet (領鵂鶹) Godwin-C 18/01/2021 0 / 4348 18/01/2021 12:02 by Godwin-C
  A pair of singing Crested Serpent Eagle 蛇鵰對唱 Attachment Paux 25/12/2020 0 / 4187 25/12/2020 16:33 by Paux
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