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Birds of Hong Kong 香港鳥類

Forum Topics Posts Last Post

Records Committee Issues 紀錄委員會事務

Announcements, requests and discussion regarding the HK List 關於香港鳥類名錄的發布、要求及討論

Moderators: Record Com

113 500 Record Committee Decision 2024 by HKBWS Tung - 28/05/2024 23:34

Banded Bird Sightings 標記雀鳥回報

563 2251 Common Redshank "UV" "YC" @ Mai Po, 14 A ... by GraceChung - 24/05/2024 22:02

Bird Identification 雀鳥辨識

3915 13731 灰鶺鴒. by M.L.YIP - 25/06/2024 16:32

BFS 黑臉琵鷺

Messages & photos about Black-faced Spoonbill & reports from HKBWS BFS Interest Group

572 1346 A53 (Mai Po), 2024-04-16 by M.L.YIP - 10/05/2024 13:19

Black-eared Kite 鳶(麻鷹)

Messages, discussions, sightings, and photos about Black-eared Kite, and reports from HKBWS Kite Research Group

182 378 凝望. by M.L.YIP - 1/06/2024 18:52

White-bellied Sea Eagle 白腹海鵰

Messages, discussions, sightings, and photos about White-bellied Sea Eagle

Moderators: WBSE Group

108 244 西貢白腹海鵰. by M.L.YIP - 5/11/2023 17:04

Terns 燕鷗

Messages, discussions, sightings, and photos about terns, and reports from HKBWS Tern Research Group

647 1553 黑枕燕鷗擒魚. by M.L.YIP - 2/07/2024 15:05

Swifts & Swallows 燕與雨燕

Messages, stories, sightings, and photos about swifts, swallows and martins, and reports from HKBWS Swifts and Swallows Research Group

385 1157 家燕. by Wellington - 28/06/2024 18:05

Raptors 猛禽

Falcons, Owl, Eagles and Nightjar 隼、貓頭鷹、鵰、夜鷹

Moderators: WBSE Group

1624 4763 Collared Scops-Owl by kc3018 - 18/05/2024 17:02

Seabirds 海鳥

Frigatebirds, Jaegers, Skuas, Shearwaters, Petrels, Boobies, Tropicbirds, Albatrosses, Storm-petrels, Gulls, Auks, Murrelet 軍艦鳥、賊鷗、鸌、鰹鳥、鸏、信天翁、海燕、鷗、海雀

660 1649 西伯利亞銀鷗. by M.L.YIP - 15/05/2024 20:08

Shorebirds 涉禽

Lapwings, Plovers, Pratincoles, Sandpipers, Snipe, Curlews, Stint, Jacanas, Oystercatcher, Avocets, Stilts 麥雞、鴴、燕鴴、鷸、沙錐、杓鷸、濱鷸、水雉、蠣鷸、反咀鷸、長腳鷸

2195 4388 翹嘴鷸. by M.L.YIP - 22/05/2024 09:56

Waterbirds 水鳥

Grebes, Kingfishers, Herons, Egrets, Bitterns, Storks, Ibises, Ducks, Geese, Swans, Cranes Francolins, Quails, Pheasants, Button-quails, Rails, Coots 鸊鷉、翠鳥、鷺、鳽、鸛、鹮、鴨、雁、天鵝、鶴、鷓鴣、鵪鶉、雉雞、秧雞、骨頂

2788 5993 黃斑葦鳽. by M.L.YIP - 8/06/2024 15:23

Landbirds 陸鳥

Sub Forums: Doves 鳩  Bee-eaters 蜂虎  Hoopoes 戴勝  Pipits 鷚  Minivets 山椒鳥  Thrushes 鶇  Warblers 鶯  Flycatchers 鶲  Tits 山雀  Sunbirds 花蜜鳥  Shrikes 伯勞  Crows 鴉  Buntings 鵐  

7715 15820 蒙面鳥. by M.L.YIP - 24/06/2024 19:47