Below is the conclusion of the Stragtegic meeting in 2007 for your reference.
•鳥會目前約有1, 000
會員,預計未來每年增加 7
年後會有 2,000
•未來數年預計會增加至 6
至 8
•假如能夠成為國際鳥盟的正式會員(Partner)(現時只是附屬會員Affiliated Member),我們甚至有機會角逐國際鳥盟亞洲分部的領導層
Hong Kong Bird Watching Society
Future direction and objectives (2007)
1. Continue building up HKBWS membership
•At present we have about 1000 members. At 7% increase annually, we can expect to have 2000 members in 10 years time
•We should continue to have a broad membership bases
•Training workshops for present and future executive committee members
•It may be useful to have an advisory board consisting of academics
•Increase welfare to our members, by exercising group bargaining power
•Some said that we needto address the behaviour that is unfavourable to bird’s survival
•How to attract more active members in our volunteer work?
2. Continue being the authority on HK birds
•Improve bird record system, e.g. web-based
•Update the Hong Kong bird list annually
•General systematic surveys such as the HK Breeding Bird Survey, HK Winter Atlas and HK Bird Index
•How to guarantee the publication of the “Hong Kong Bird Report” on time? How to tackle the Bird Report from 2003-05 which are failed to come out on time seriously?
•Set up a “Survey and Research Committee” to push up the research work.
3. Actively involve inhabitat management
•We have been working on the Long Valley project for 1.5years
•We like to expand our work also to other area
•We need to build up our knowledge on habitat management, for future usein HK and China
•Some members feel that this is not the key business for HKBWS
4. Strengthen wildlife education in secondary schools
•At present we have not invested much on secondary school wildlife education. I would like to see a wildlife society jointly organized by HK secondary schools.
•Some members think itis better for HKBWS to focus on bird watching alone in school education.
5. Increase support from staff members
•At present we have 4 full-time staff members
•We need a bigger office and foresee that staff number will rise to 6-8 in the next few years
•We need a policy to retain our staff permanently, by having a long salaryladder and chance of promotion
•We need suitable training for our staff from time to time
•Strengthen the capacity of the HKBWS office, such as set up the post of a director or CEO.
6. Actively involved in the promotion of bird watching, bird survey and conservation work in Mainland China
•Work with the China Ornithological Society to publish the China bird listannually. Help publish the China Bird Report
•Participate in the Federation of China Bird Watching Societies to help tobuild bird watching societies in China
•Promote wildlife watching and education in China
•Support and assist the organizing of bird survey, such as the coastal waterbird survey in Mainland China
•This is a good time for promoting bird watching in Mainland China since economical condition continue to be good
•There are signs that birdwatching organizations in Chinawill be up to standard for a long time, HKBWS need to step up efforts to carryout some aspects of bird watching promotion
7. Cooperate more with Birdlife International, establish Hong Kong as one of the leading centers in Asia
•As the Taiwan issuemay be solved soon, Hong Kong should decide tobecome a partner of Birdlife International
•Hong Kong can take a more active role in Asia
•It is possible that HKBWS can play an important role in Asiadivision of BirdLife International if we become the Partner of BirdLife International (right now we are the Affiliated Member)
•If HKBWS can collect more bird information of China through surveys and research, we can take up a much more important position in Asia region.
•This point is raised during the meeting. Some feel that it is worthwhile and not difficult.