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Subject: [Outing] (已滿)廣東海豐鳥類省級自然保護區 觀鳥活動 [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 14/12/2012 12:45     Subject: (已滿)廣東海豐鳥類省級自然保護區 觀鳥活動

廣東海豐鳥類省級自然保護區 觀鳥活動
Outing to Haifeng Bird Provincial Nature Reserve, Guangdong

集合地點:深圳 羅湖口岸大樓外(地面) - 口岸茶餐廳
領隊電話:852-9457 3196

報名表 Registration form:
HaiFengOuting-20130106.pdf (177.28 KB)
HaiFengOuting-20130106.doc (1.08 MB)

Image Attachment: HaiFengOuting-20130106_頁面_1.jpg (14/12/2012 12:45, 265.76 KB) / Download count 646

Image Attachment: HaiFengOuting-20130106_頁面_2.jpg (14/12/2012 12:45, 285.47 KB) / Download count 602

Attachment: HaiFengOuting-20130106.pdf (14/12/2012 12:45, 177.28 KB) / Download count 665

Attachment: HaiFengOuting-20130106.doc (14/12/2012 12:45, 1.08 MB) / Download count 736
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 14/12/2012 12:49

集合地點:深圳 羅湖口岸大樓外(地面) - 口岸茶餐廳
領隊電話:852-9457 3196

Image Attachment: LoWuResturant口岸茶餐廳.jpg (14/12/2012 12:49, 23.49 KB) / Download count 1526

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 14/12/2012 12:54

Author: HFCheung    Time: 14/12/2012 18:54

I heard that we already allow for 38 participants, and that is about the limit of HKBWS leaders.
Author: K_Chan    Time: 2/01/2013 20:25

請問當日係咪必須自己pack午膳, 附近應該沒有地方食飯的?
兩位領隊有沒有當地手機號碼, 方便打接local call?
Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 3/01/2013 16:55

Author: K_Chan    Time: 3/01/2013 22:29

不好意思, 很少行走穗外的省內地方, 故多問確定一下; 既然附近有餐廳, 便可吃點熱的東西, 打搞哂。

Author: Paux    Time: 7/01/2013 09:46

Thanks Fai Gor for arranging this nice outing & let more members join than originally announced.
Here are some photos taken in the trip:
Main attraction of the trip: Purple Swamp-hen 紫水雞

[ Last edited by Paux at 7/01/2013 10:01 ]

Image Attachment: IMG_5623rb.jpg (7/01/2013 09:46, 96.56 KB) / Download count 528

Image Attachment: IMG_5638rb.jpg (7/01/2013 09:46, 99.14 KB) / Download count 609

Author: Paux    Time: 7/01/2013 09:53

Black-tailed Gull 黑尾鷗

Black-faced Bunting 灰頭鵐

Image Attachment: IMG_5448rb.jpg (7/01/2013 09:53, 54.94 KB) / Download count 558

Image Attachment: IMG_5546rrb.jpg (7/01/2013 09:53, 141.26 KB) / Download count 534

Author: Paux    Time: 7/01/2013 10:00

Richard's Pipit 理氏鷚

Dusky Warbler 褐柳鶯

Image Attachment: IMG_5533rb.jpg (7/01/2013 10:00, 97.21 KB) / Download count 531

Image Attachment: IMG_5423rb.jpg (7/01/2013 10:00, 100.05 KB) / Download count 591

Author: Sze    Time: 7/01/2013 13:00


Black-crowned  Night Heron夜鷺
Chinese Pond  Heron池鷺
Eastern Cattle  Egret牛背鷺
Grey Heron蒼鷺
Great Egret大白鷺
Little Egret小白鷺
Great  Cormorant普通鸕鷀
Black Kite黑鳶
Eastern  Buzzard普通鵟
White-breasted  Waterhen白胸苦惡鳥
Common Moorhen黑水雞
Purple  swamp-hen紫水雞
Grey Plover灰斑鴴
Kentish Plover環頸鴴
Eurasian  Curlew白腰杓鷸
Black-headed  Gull紅嘴鷗
Black-tailed  Gull黑尾鷗
Caspian Tern紅嘴巨鷗
Spotted Dove珠頸斑鳩
Plaintive  Cuckoo八聲杜鵑
House Swift小白腰雨燕
White-throated  Kingfisher白胸翡翠
Common  Kingfisher普通翠鳥
Scarlet  Minivet赤紅山椒鳥
Brown Shrike紅尾伯勞
Long-tailed  Shrike棕背伯勞
Chinese Bulbul白頭鵯
Sooty-headed  Bulbul白喉紅臀鵯
Pale Martin淡色沙燕
Barn Swallow家燕
Dusky Warbler褐柳鶯
Common  Tailorbird長尾縫葉鶯
Masked  Laughingthrush黑臉噪鶥
Japanese  White-eye暗綠繡眼鳥
Crested Myna八哥
Red-billed  Starling絲光椋鳥
Black-collared  Starling黑領椋鳥
Daurian  Redstart北紅尾鴝
Stejneger's  Stonechat黑喉石(即鳥)
Eurasian Tree  Sparrow樹麻雀
White Wagtail白鶺鴒
Richard's  Pipit理氏鷚
Olive-backed  Pipit樹鷚
Black-faced  Bunting灰頭鵐

[ Last edited by Sze at 7/01/2013 13:22 ]
Author: Sze    Time: 7/01/2013 13:04


Image Attachment: WP_20130106_086s.jpg (7/01/2013 13:04, 167.19 KB) / Download count 460

Author: Sze    Time: 7/01/2013 13:21


Image Attachment: [大家在看紫水雞] WP_20130106_089s.jpg (7/01/2013 13:21, 147.93 KB) / Download count 436

Image Attachment: [大家在看鷗] WP_20130106_082s.jpg (7/01/2013 13:21, 150.64 KB) / Download count 479

Image Attachment: WP_20130106_071s.jpg (7/01/2013 13:21, 174.9 KB) / Download count 456

Author: Sze    Time: 7/01/2013 13:31

Author: wcaptain    Time: 7/01/2013 17:38

1        Little swift           Luwo gathering area only
2        Long-tailed Shrike          Very Common
3        Sooty-headed Bulbul        Very Common
4        Common Kingfisher                 Common
5        Little Egret                 Very Common
6        Great Egret                 Very Common
7        Grey Heron                Very Common
8        Crested Myna               Very Common
9        Blackbird                                 1
10        Purple Swamphen                 6 individuals
11        Cormorant                      Around   50 roosting
12        Moorhen                            Common
13        Brown Shrike                       1
14        Sand Martin                   Common
15        Chinese Bulbul                   Common
16        Red-whiskered Bulbul          Common
17        Common Buzzard                        1
18        Kestrel                                1
19        Daurian Redstart                   Common
20        Plative Cuckoo                       1
21        Richard's Pipit                   Common
22        Olive-backed Pipit                   Common
23        Black-crowned Night Heron          5-10 individuals
24        White-breasted Kingfisher          Common
25        Great Coucal                   1 bird
26        Black-headed Gull                   around 100-200
27        Black-tailed Gull                   around 5-10 birds
28        White Wagtail                   Common
29        Grey Plover                   around 30 birds
30        Kentish Plover                   around 50 birds
31        Curlew                            around 20 birds
32        Caspian Tern                   around 50 birds
33        Masked Bunting                   5-10 birds
34        Common Tailorbird                   1 bird
35        Black-collared Starling          Common
36        Stonechat                            Common
37        Yellow Wagtail                   Common
38        Spotted Dove                   Common
39        Black-shouldered Kite             1
40        Black-faced Laughingthrush          Common
41        Black-faced Spoonbill             1
42        Red-billed Starling             1
43        Chinese Pond Heron                   Very Common
44        Ring-necked Pheasant                1 male
45        Dusky Warbler                      1 record
46       Cattle Egret                    10 birds

[ Last edited by wcaptain at 7/01/2013 17:39 ]
Author: HFCheung    Time: 7/01/2013 22:40

Sze, thank you very much for being the co-leader and taking care of the other bus completely.

Also seen in the trip:
Black-winged Kite        黑翅鳶
Domestic Pigeon        原鴿
Eastern Cattle Egret        牛背鷺
Green Sandpiper        白腰草鷸
Little Grebe        小鸊鷉
Oriental Magpie Robin        鵲鴝
Yellow-browed Warbler        黃眉柳鶯

Not totally confirmed:
Dunlin        黑腹濱鷸
Greater Sand Plover        鐵嘴沙鴴
Pied Kingfisher        斑魚狗
Red-rumped Swallow        金腰燕
Red-whiskered Bulbul        紅耳鵯

Strangly, the following are not seen:
any Prinia
any Munia
any Tit

HF Cheung
Author: wcaptain    Time: 8/01/2013 09:36

also no collared crow.

In fact no scanvenage like crows, magpie and black kites. Only crested myna/cattle egret can be considered to use part of the niche.

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