8.30- 10.00a,. 29 October 2009
A quick walk up to the picnic area via the nature trail
Violet Whistling Thrush
Bay Woodpecker - seen along the TPK Nature Trail, near the decomposing tree information board; it was foraging mostly low down- extremely noisy, I think there may have been two but never saw both at the same time, moves around a lot, calling constantly. It took ten minutes to actually see it properly!
Black-throated laughing Thrush
Silver-eared Mesia
Blue-winged Minla
Velvet-fronted Nuthatch
Arctic Warbler
Yellow-browed Warbler
Greenish Warbler- all warblers seen at the picnic area foraging in the sunny branches
Mountain Tailorbird
Pygmy Wren Babbler
Fork-tailed Sunbird
Great Tit