
Sparrow Project 發現香港城市自然生態

    Subject Author Replies/Views Last Post
  Appeal for photographs cgeoff 9/08/2021 4 / 12305 27/09/2021 12:14 by cgeoff
  靚相護雀鳥 承諾「不干擾」Respect birds, do not disturb! Attachment HKBWS Chuan 29/04/2020 1 / 13897 1/05/2020 06:03 by wcaptain
  雀鳥有關個案的處理方法Suggested actions for different bird cases Attachment HKBWS Chuan 4/06/2015 6 / 53110 10/06/2015 15:58 by WWF Mai Po
  觀鳥及鳥類攝影守則 Code of Conduct for Birdwatching and Photography BWA 25/06/2007 0 / 92786 25/06/2007 18:09 by BWA
  全港麻雀普查 2018 - 招募普查員 Attachment HKBWS Christina 20/03/2018 0 / 6773 20/03/2018 17:58 by HKBWS Christina
  《小麻雀噹噹 - 今天的小意外》繪本發售了~ Attachment HKBWS Christina 8/11/2017 0 / 6493 8/11/2017 10:25 by HKBWS Christina
  《全港麻雀普查日2017》普查結果新聞稿 Attachment HKBWS Jessica 25/08/2017 0 / 5857 25/08/2017 18:12 by HKBWS Jessica
  全港麻雀普查日2017 - 結果公佈 HKBWS Jessica 19/08/2017 0 / 5085 19/08/2017 12:27 by HKBWS Jessica
  全港麻雀普查日 2017 - 招募有基本雀鳥調查經驗的會員及鳥友 Attachment HKBWS Jessica 2/05/2017 0 / 6248 2/05/2017 19:21 by HKBWS Jessica
  小麻雀嘉年華 HKBWS Jessica 7/04/2017 0 / 5255 7/04/2017 18:25 by HKBWS Jessica
  全港麻雀麻雀普查日 2017 Hong Kong Sparrow Census 2017 Attachment HKBWS Jessica 6/01/2017 2 / 7556 16/01/2017 14:31 by HKBWS Jessica
  全港麻雀麻雀普查日 2016 Hong Kong Sparrow Census 2016 Attachment HKBWS Jessica 17/02/2016 10 / 12988 16/01/2017 08:48 by sdavid
  2016-2017 城市生態大使訓練計劃 HKBWS Jessica 29/08/2016 0 / 6473 29/08/2016 14:52 by HKBWS Jessica
  《全港麻雀普查日2016》 結果公佈 Attachment HKBWS Jessica 18/07/2016 4 / 8856 21/07/2016 10:49 by HKBWS Jessica
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