
Sub Forums

Forum Topics Posts Last Post

Doves 鳩

Doves, Cuckoos, Coucals 鳩鴿、杜鵑、鴉鵑

492 1031 Common Emerald Dove 綠翅金鳩 by phcheung - 22/12/2023 19:12

Crows 鴉

Crows, Starlings, Mynas 鴉、椋鳥、八哥

451 832 紫背椋鳥 by frankmak - 11/10/2024 21:25

Shrikes 伯勞

Shrikes, Orioles, Drongos 伯勞、黃鸝、巻尾

464 902 Brown Shrike 紅尾伯勞 by CHUI915 - 16/10/2024 13:58

Sunbirds 花蜜鳥

Sunbirds, Flowerpeckers, White-eyes 花蜜鳥、啄花鳥、繡眼鳥

221 435 Olive-backed Sunbird 黃腹花蜜鳥 by CHUI915 - 19/02/2024 17:06

Tits 山雀

Babblers, Nuthatches, Parrobills, Tits 鶥、鳾、鴉雀、山雀

570 1088 Huet's Fulvetta 黑眉雀鶥 by CHUI915 - 17/02/2024 20:09

Flycatchers 鶲

Flycatchers, Monarchs, Fantails 鶲、王鶲、扇尾鶲

1055 2392 Red-throated Flycatcher by gordonvr - 10/02/2024 07:08

Warblers 鶯

Cisticolas, Prinias, Old World Warblers 扇尾鶯、鷦鶯、鶯

706 1513 Lanceolated Warbler 矛紋蝗鶯 by passerby-b - 12/10/2024 09:18

Thrushes 鶇

Thrushes 鶇

1211 2695 黑喉鴝. by M.L.YIP - 15/10/2024 09:51

Minivets 山椒鳥

Minivets, Cuckoo-shrikes, Leafbirds, Waxwings, Bulbuls 山椒鳥、鵑鵙、葉鵯、太平鳥、鵯

497 847 Black Bulbul 黑短腳鵯 by CHUI915 - 20/05/2024 14:47

Pipits 鷚

Larks, Sparrow, Pipits, Wagtails 百靈、雀、鷚、鶺鴒

496 921 白鶺鴒. by M.L.YIP - 23/10/2024 09:21

Hoopoes 戴勝

Barbets, Rollers, Hoopoes, Parrots, Cockatoos 擬啄木、佛法僧、戴勝、鸚鵡

203 456 Eurasian Wryneck 蟻鴷 by CHUI915 - 19/10/2024 11:27

Bee-eaters 蜂虎

Bee-eaters, Pittas, Trogons, Woodpeckers 蜂虎、八色鶇、咬鵑、啄木鳥

120 382 Eurasian Wryneck 蟻鴷 by derekhon2 - 7/10/2024 20:58

Buntings 鵐

Finches, Buntings, Munias 燕雀、鵐、梅花雀

961 1820 斑文鳥. by M.L.YIP - 20/10/2024 20:14
 280 123456

Landbirds 陸鳥

    Subject Author Replies/Views Last Post
  Appeal for photographs cgeoff 9/08/2021 4 / 12453 27/09/2021 12:14 by cgeoff
  靚相護雀鳥 承諾「不干擾」Respect birds, do not disturb! Attachment HKBWS Chuan 29/04/2020 1 / 14057 1/05/2020 06:03 by wcaptain
  雀鳥有關個案的處理方法Suggested actions for different bird cases Attachment HKBWS Chuan 4/06/2015 6 / 53671 10/06/2015 15:58 by WWF Mai Po
  觀鳥及鳥類攝影守則 Code of Conduct for Birdwatching and Photography BWA 25/06/2007 0 / 93138 25/06/2007 18:09 by BWA
Icon21 黑臉琵鷺全球同步普查 International Black-faced Spoonbill Census 2023 Attachment HKBWS_Kathy 24/04/2023 0 / 4980 24/04/2023 17:31 by HKBWS_Kathy
  Hair-crested Drongo gordonvr 22/03/2024 0 / 1252 22/03/2024 11:40 by gordonvr
  Black bulbul Attachment hhtrail 7/01/2023 0 / 1970 7/01/2023 16:51 by hhtrail
  白眉地鶇 Siberian Thrush Attachment tmctpyeu 20/12/2022 0 / 2302 20/12/2022 22:44 by tmctpyeu
  Daurian Redstart Wellington 31/01/2018 4 / 6469 10/12/2022 11:02 by Wellington
  Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker. gordonvr 6/12/2022 0 / 2245 6/12/2022 08:32 by gordonvr
  Eurasian Wryneck 蟻鴷 Attachment CHUI915 3/12/2022 0 / 2051 3/12/2022 11:28 by CHUI915
  Red-throated Pipit(紅喉鷚) Wellington 27/11/2022 0 / 2375 27/11/2022 12:34 by Wellington
  Daurian Redstart (female and male)(北紅尾鴝) Wellington 12/11/2022 0 / 2041 12/11/2022 20:21 by Wellington
  Grey-streaked Flycatcher in Mai Po (灰紋鶲) Wellington 8/05/2022 0 / 2562 8/05/2022 21:42 by Wellington
  Eurasian Wryneck 蟻鴷 Godwin-C 20/03/2022 0 / 3051 20/03/2022 19:11 by Godwin-C
  Thrush ID please ? Attachment tmctpyeu 3/03/2022 1 / 3762 4/03/2022 16:44 by wcaptain
  Java Sparrow 爪哇禾雀 Attachment schungyau 23/01/2022 0 / 3882 23/01/2022 21:56 by schungyau
  藍翅葉鵯 Blue-winged Leafbird Attachment schungyau 20/01/2022 0 / 3574 20/01/2022 21:42 by schungyau
  Silver-eared Mesia 銀耳相思 Attachment phcheung 20/01/2022 0 / 3045 20/01/2022 20:24 by phcheung
  Plumbeous Water Redstart (male) 紅尾水鴝 (雄) Attachment phcheung 28/12/2021 0 / 3174 28/12/2021 18:59 by phcheung
  Greater Necklaced Laughingthrush attacks invading Hair-crested Drongo Attachment hhtrail 20/06/2021 0 / 3408 20/06/2021 19:15 by hhtrail
  Russet Sparrow 山麻雀 Attachment walterma 26/01/2021 0 / 4027 26/01/2021 09:04 by walterma
  蟻鴷 Eurasian Wryneck Chimpanzee 15/01/2021 0 / 4053 15/01/2021 16:18 by Chimpanzee
  蟻鴷 Eurasian Wryneck Chimpanzee 11/12/2020 0 / 4357 11/12/2020 17:28 by Chimpanzee
  斑文鳥 (Scaly-breasted Munia) Attachment happyman 14/10/2020 1 / 4502 7/12/2020 21:46 by happyman
  Northern Red Bishop Godwin-C 21/11/2020 0 / 4869 21/11/2020 10:17 by Godwin-C
  火斑鳩 Red Turtle Dove Chimpanzee 4/11/2020 0 / 4089 4/11/2020 18:04 by Chimpanzee
  白頭文鳥 (White-headed Munia) Attachment happyman 14/10/2020 0 / 4148 14/10/2020 17:26 by happyman
  Oriental Reed Warbler 東方大葦鶯 derekhon2 2/10/2020 0 / 4665 2/10/2020 17:31 by derekhon2
  紅脇藍尾鴝雄鳥 (Male Red-flanked Bluetail) Attachment happyman 29/02/2020 0 / 5035 29/02/2020 16:47 by happyman
  藍額紅尾鴝 (Blue-fronted Redstart) Attachment happyman 26/02/2020 0 / 5260 26/02/2020 23:31 by happyman
  紅脇藍尾鴝雌鳥 (Female Red-flanked Bluetail) Attachment happyman 25/02/2020 0 / 4576 25/02/2020 00:12 by happyman
  白腰鵲鴝雄鳥 (Male White-rumped Shama) Attachment happyman 23/02/2020 1 / 5529 24/02/2020 11:22 by cgeoff
  白腰鵲鴝雌鳥 (Female White-rumped Shama) Attachment happyman 17/02/2020 0 / 5170 17/02/2020 12:34 by happyman
  白腰鵲鴝雌鳥 (Female White-rumped Shama) Attachment happyman 9/02/2020 4 / 7763 11/02/2020 22:40 by happyman
  紅喉歌鴝 (Siberian Rubythroat) Attachment happyman 7/02/2020 0 / 5139 7/02/2020 00:24 by happyman
  紅脇藍尾鴝 (Red-flanked Bluetail) Attachment happyman 6/02/2020 0 / 4892 6/02/2020 11:55 by happyman
  紅喉姬鶲 (Red-throated Flycatcher) Attachment happyman 6/02/2020 0 / 5365 6/02/2020 01:04 by happyman
  北紅尾鴝 (Durian Redstart) Attachment happyman 5/02/2020 0 / 4573 5/02/2020 00:24 by happyman
  Huamei 畫眉 Attachment jsk_ppp 16/12/2019 0 / 5065 16/12/2019 21:57 by jsk_ppp
  Blue Rock Thrush 4Dec2019 Peng Chau thomaslegg 11/12/2019 0 / 4560 11/12/2019 14:45 by thomaslegg
  Rufous-tailed Robin 9Dec2019 Peng Chau thomaslegg 11/12/2019 0 / 4812 11/12/2019 14:23 by thomaslegg
  白鶺鴒 (White Wagtail) Attachment happyman 20/11/2019 0 / 4494 20/11/2019 00:40 by happyman
  白化麻雀 (Leucism Sparrow) Attachment happyman 20/11/2019 0 / 5220 20/11/2019 00:37 by happyman
  黃胸鵐 (Yellow-breasted Bunting) Attachment happyman 10/11/2019 0 / 5328 10/11/2019 17:22 by happyman
  白腰文鳥 (White-rumped Munia) Attachment happyman 10/11/2019 0 / 6700 10/11/2019 13:37 by happyman
  中華攀雀雌鳥 (Female Chinese Penduline Tit) Attachment happyman 10/11/2019 0 / 4720 10/11/2019 13:32 by happyman
  夏日亞成鳥(Summer Subadults) Wellington 31/08/2019 0 / 5293 31/08/2019 11:52 by Wellington
  髮冠卷尾、赤紅山椒鳥(Hair-crested Drongo and Scarlet Minivet) Wellington 31/08/2019 0 / 4947 31/08/2019 11:42 by Wellington
  白腰鵲鴝 White-rumped Shama Chimpanzee 23/03/2019 1 / 7457 18/04/2019 13:55 by happyman
 280 123456
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