
Orange-headed Thrush 橙頭地鶇 (Record photo)

Orange-headed Thrush 橙頭地鶇 (Record photo)

Tai Po Kau 大埔窖

I am just a beginner of bird watching. I went with my friends on Saturday. We just walked around and a bird suddenly flew in frond of us!
We traced it and it landed on the tree. Fortunately, I have borrowed a DSLR( sony alpha 350) from my friend~
We are excited for this thrush! But there were not too many birds can be seen that day
But this is enough for us because of this Orange-headed Thrush

It is not so fear of us and the distance bwtween the thrush and us was just 10m i guess.

[ Last edited by fatchun at 15/09/2009 16:02 ]


Original posted by wgeoff at 15/09/2009 18:19
Well done. A good first posting and a good start for a beginner.

Many people wait years to see one of these.
Thank you
my friend said that this bird is rare to see and we are so lucky

