
Why more female Daurian redstarts?

I think because they are not all females. First winter birds, male and female, have the same dull colours as the adult female although there are probably some distinguishing features if you look closely enough. I don't have my books with me to comment on this bird.

The ratio of 'adult male' to 'other' on Po Toi is about 1 in 4. This is what you would expect if the 2 adults and 2 young from the year have survived to the winter. Is it the same ratio on Lamma?



The best books I've found for first winter birds are the two Field Guides by Robson, one on the Birds of SE Asia and the other on the Birds of Thailand. I don't have them with me here in UK but I'm fairly sure they will have pictures of first winter Daurain Redstarts.


Wrong again.

Thanks Geoff and Geoff, Geoff.

