
Orange-headed Thrushes - ex-captive or wild?

Orange-headed Thrushes - ex-captive or wild?

I think there are two Orange-headed Thrushes on Po Toi at the moment, one behind the Toilet Block and one near the Upper School. Here are photos of each with an enlargement of the head

The first bird is the one I originally thought was cage-damaged because of the poor feather condition. However, it may be they are both juvenile birds?

Some questions for an expert please

1. Is lack of head feathers an indication of cage-damage or juvenile bird?
2. Are these juveniles (they appear to have juvenile gapes)?
3. Are they cage-damaged or wild?

Thanks for any answers

[ Last edited by wgeoff at 21/09/2010 18:10 ]


Thanks HF and Geoff.

It seems these birds are juveniles probably born on Po Toi.

I saw an adult male on 1st April this year, which may be related. There are very large areas of wood and scrubland where birds could breed unseen.

