「關愛社群、支持本地漁業、保育濕地」- 你的一次捐款,包含三重意義,請立即行動。多謝支持!
The "Eco-Fish_for_All" donation scheme conducted last year received great support from all parties. More than one thousand catty of eco-fish were delivered. We will continue the scheme this year. Your donation of $300 will turn to 10 catty of eco-fish and sent to people in need through our partner organizations.
All donated eco-fish come from the eco-friendly fish ponds under the Hong Kong Fishpond Conservation Scheme, where they are rearing in a traditional way and are naturally healthy.
"Caring for the community, supporting the local fish industry, and conserving the wetlands" - The meanings behind your donation. Please act now. Thanks a lot!