海外會員 Overseas Member 18 歲或以上在香港以外居住人士Aged 18 or above and residing outside HK 海外會員入會申請Overseas Member subscription application 稱謂 Salutation * 先生 Mr. 太太 Mrs. 女士 Ms. 小姐 Miss 博士 Dr. 英文名稱 First Name * 英文姓氏 Last Name * 中文姓名 Chinese Name(Please type "N/A" if not applicable) * 出生日期 Date of Birth * 手提電話 Mobile Number * 其他電話 Other Number 電郵 Email * 本會只會以電郵發放所有資訊予會員,包括會員大會文件。 All information including AGM documents will be delivered to members by email only. 地址 Address * 海外會員年期Subscription Plan to Oversea Member * 一年會籍 1-year subscription (HK$500) 五年會籍 5-year subscription (HK$2,500) *海外會員須為18 歲或以上在香港以外居住人士。 Oversea Member should be aged 18 or above and residing outside HK. *會籍包含「香港鳥類報告」的電子版 (大部分含中文翻譯) 。The subscription fee includes "Hong Kong Bird Report" (e-version). 捐款予香港觀鳥會 Donation to HKBWS (港幣 HK$ ) 捐款港幣$100或以上可獲扣稅 Donation of HK$100 or above is tax deductible 付款方式 Payment Methods * 銀行轉賬 (網上/櫃位/櫃員機) Direct Credit (Online/ Cash deposit/ ATM) 轉數快 FPS 信用卡 - Visa/ MasterCard/ American Express 1. 銀行轉賬 (網上/櫃位/櫃員機) Direct Credit (Online/ Cash deposit/ ATM) 中國銀行(香港)戶口 Bank of China (HK) Account:012-878-1-076439-9戶口名稱 Account Name: 香港觀鳥會 The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society轉帳完成後請截圖過帳記錄頁面,或以照片拍下過數紙,並上傳至下方的「付款證明」中。After the payment, please take a screenshot of the transaction record page, or take a picture of the bank receipt, then attach the transaction record in "Proof of payment" below. 2. 轉數快 FPS 快速支付系統識別碼/FPS ID:162485569 轉帳完成後請截圖過帳記錄頁面,並上傳至下方的「付款證明」中。After the payment, please take a screenshot of the transaction record page, then attach the transaction record in "Proof of payment" below. 3. 信用卡 - Visa/ MasterCard/ American Express 我們會於收到申請後的五個工作天內,另外經電郵發出Paypal信用卡付款連結。We will send you the Paypal online credit card payment link within 5 working days after receiving your application. 付款證明 Proof of Payment × Drag and drop files here or Browse 收集個人資料聲明 Personal Information Collection Statements * 本人已細閱本申請表的「收集個人資料聲明」條款。 I acknowledge that I have read the “Personal Information Collection Statements”. https://cms.hkbws.org.hk/cms/join-us-tw/become-our-member/notice-to-members/personal-info-collection-statements 《觀鳥及鳥類攝影守則》 Conduct for Birdwatching and Bird Photography * 本人認同香港觀鳥會的宗旨,並已閱讀及承諾會嚴格遵守《觀鳥及鳥類攝影守則》。I support the vision and mission of HKBWS. I have read the Code of Conduct for Birdwatching and Bird Photography and promise to abide by it fully. https://cms.hkbws.org.hk/cms/join-us-tw/become-our-member/notice-to-members/membership-code-of-conduct 你是否願意收到本會的資料及通訊 Do you want to receive updates and e-newsletters from the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society * 願意 Yes 不願意 No 香港觀鳥會嚴格遵守個人資料條例,你的個人資料只會用作香港觀鳥會及受其委託的服務提供者與你聯絡的用途。 The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society (HKBWS) processes your personal data strictly in accordance with the Data Protection Act; and your data will be used by HKBWS and their service providers only for communications between you and HKBWS. 通訊語言 Selected Language * 中文 Chinese 英文 English 注意事項 Remarks 1. 我們會於收到申請後的三個工作天內經電郵與申請人跟進申請事宜。 We will contact you in 3 working days after receiving your application. 2. 會員會籍有效期由批准入會日起計。 Membership is valid from the date of approval. 3. 申請人提交的個人資料將會絕對保密,只供本會內部使用。 Personal data provided will be kept in strict confidence and will be used by the Society for administrative purposes only. 遞交申請 Submit application Name 上一篇文章:家屬會員 Family Member 上一篇 下一篇文章:學生會員 Student Member 下一篇